I got this script working , but when the nickserv hold the original nickname the script releases it and connect to the specific network and when trying to change to the original nickname it comes back to the alternate one.
## Descripcion:
## my simple try to delnet nickserv@services.dal.net identify
## and my first try too
# TCL by GoGers
# Goger Identify TCL
putlog "auto identify to nickserv tcl is loaded - \0034,1Go\00314G\0034ers"
### Setup
# set nick n password to be identified - you must edit this
set nickname "OriginalNickname"
set password "Password"
### Code
# Change the m to another flag if you like.
bind pub m .identify do_identify
bind pub m .release do_release
bind pub m .ghost do_ghost
# # # # # ## do not edit below # ### # # ##
#identify starts #
proc do_identify {nick host handle chan text} {
global nickname password
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :identify $nickname $password"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :identifying to nickserv@services.dal.net..."
#ends here #
# nick release starts here #
proc do_release {nick host handle chan text} {
global nickname password
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :release $nickname $password"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :releasing nick from nickserv@services.dal.net..."
#ends here #
# nick Ghosting starts here #
proc do_ghost {nick host handle chan text} {
global nickname password
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :ghost $nickname $password"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ghosting your Bot nick"
#ends here #
set init-server {
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv@services.dal.net :identify $nickname $password"
putserv "MODE $nick +i"
[16:35:05] Success Release.
[16:35:05] Change nick to OriginalNickname
[16:35:10] Nickname changed to 'OriginalNickname'???
[16:35:10] Switching back to nick AlternateOne
[16:35:11] Regained nickname 'AlternateOne'.
# Name of one part of Services (e.g. NickServ, ChanServ)
# (or any other nick)
set servicesname "NickServ"
# Name of NickServ (full services syntax)
set nickservicename "NickServ@services.dal.net"
# Set the next line as your bot's nick to identify to (this must be the registered nickname
# so the bot can identify properly even if it's not using the main botnick).
set mynick "botREGnickhere"
# Set the next line as your bot's password on nickserv
set nickserv_pass "botpasshere"
##################### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE!! #####################
# BIND commands #
bind raw - 600 services_online
bind raw - 601 services_offline
bind raw - 604 services_online
bind raw - 605 services_offline
bind dcc o|- identify manual_identify
bind pub o|- .identify pub_identify
bind evnt - init-server addwatch
proc addwatch { type } {
if {![isbotnick $::nick]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :GHOST $::nick $::nickserv_pass" -next}
putserv "watch +$::servicesname"
proc services_offline { from keyword args } {
putlog "Services have left the building!"
proc services_online { from keyword args } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :identify $::mynick $::nickserv_pass"
putlog "Identified to $::servicesname"
proc manual_identify {hand idx mascara} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :identify $::mynick $::nickserv_pass"
putlog "Identifying manually for \002\[$::botnick\]\002"
proc pub_identify {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :identify $::mynick $::nickserv_pass"
putlog "Identified to $::servicesname"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Identifying manually for \002\[$::botnick\]\002"
putlog "AutoIdent, enabling watch.. (for $servicesname)"
putserv "watch +$servicesname"
putlog "AutoIdent loaded."
This code is a modified version of a TCL released by Alchera, but specific to DALnet, so I know it will work well. My own bots run it there. This script can be used on any network that supports the /watch command and the raw numeric set for the reply. Modification may be required.
Good Luck, and enjoy.
We explore.. and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge.. and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias.. and you call us criminals.