So the first !(.*) will be the trigger.
Then I want the next (.*) to be the search term(s).
Everything works fine if the search term is one word but if the term is broken by a space like !searchchan search words here the script fails.
So I need to make it take the second (.*) and extend to the end of the line and save it as a var. Then the regsub will then take it and break it into usable content the rest of the script can use.
Code: Select all
bind pubm - * bind_search
proc bind_search {nick uhost handle channel text} {
set regexp {^!(.*) (.*) *$}
if {[regexp -nocase -- $regexp $text -> searchchan search]} {
regsub -all -- {\*} $search % search
set searchvar [list]
foreach word [split $search] {
lappend searchvar db.`searchcolum` like '%[mysqlescape $word]%'"
do sql stuff like getting results
where [join $searchvar " AND " ]
AND SearchChannel LIKE '#%$searchchan%'
Code: Select all
proc filter_mirc_codes {} {
upvar text text
regsub -all -- "(\002|\017|\026|\037|\003(\[0-9\]\[0-9\]?(,\[0-9\]\[0-9\]?)?)?)" $text "" text