I think is about time to make a tutorial category on this forum. Yet i dont know how it will look on this version of forum as all the latest forums have now 'subforums'. I know there are alot of users who search for ways to install modules/scripts but they cant find any of them. It would be nice that every error that has been encounterede installing/adding/removeing scripts/modules would be explained in a tutorial.
What about this? http://www.egghelp.org/enhance.htm#tclscripts and many other links from left part of the main page.
There are a lot of usefull information already exists at egghelp.org, no need to copy it to forum.
I really can say thats 0.1% of the amount of tutorials that can be made around eggdrop/windrop and everything that is related. And it could be an awesome feature if tutorials would be translated into languages that are often used by the ones that use eggdrop/windrop/tcl. This also can be said for the tclscripts. I mean think about a community for everyone, there are alot of users that understand anything else than english or very few english. Anyway i just said there are alot of ideas unexplored yet and i never said everything must be done immediatly but step by step just like eggdrop and tcl evolves.