Code: Select all
bind pub o|o +autoinvite pub:addinvite
proc pub:addinvite {n u h c a} {
if {![isinvite $a $c]} {
newchaninvite $c $a invite 0 sticky
putnotc $n "$a has been added to the autoinvite database"
} {
putnotc $n "$a is already in the autoinvite database"
<owner> +autoinvite mary
<bot> mary has been added to the autoinvite database
<bot> bot puts mode +m
<owner> +autoinvite maria
<bot> maria has been added to the autoinvite database
<bot> bot puts mode +mi
<owner> +autoinvite CcmjhMgf
<bot> mary has been added to the autoinvite database
<bot> bot puts mode +CcmM
<owner> +autoinvite vbjp
<bot> vbjp has been added to the autoinvite database
<owner> +autoinvite jhgf
<bot> jhgf has been added to the autoinvite database
If within nick characters are letters that correspond to channel modes, the bot puts these modes: S
I use windrop eggdrop v1.6.21, on CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.7.15(0.260/5/3).
I do not understand the reasons for such behavior it has the bot.
Can someone help me at least unsettime who putting bot?
Sorry for my bad english :S
I installed another clean version of Windrop - eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix, on CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.25(0.156/4/2)., to which only I added this TCL.
Code: Select all
bind pub o|o !addinvite invited
proc invited {n u h c t} {
newchaninvite $c $t invite 0 sticky
puthelp "PRIVMSG $c :$t has been added to the autoinvite database"
New Conclusion:
The problem is in the invoked command or Windrop, really do not understand and I am a newbie in TCL.