I'm looking to get a bot setup with Windrop on my local machine that will do the following:
Greet people that join the channel by user name using the Windows text to speech engine so I can hear it. It doesn't need to post anything as text. It can be set to use the default voice as I can change that in the control panel.
I would like it if it had some logic to limit it from constantly spamming greetings. It could do them in batches every 2 minutes if a handful of people joined. If it detects say 10+ joins in a short period, it could just give a general greeting instead of each name individually.
I'm pretty sure this is possible but it is beyond my ability to do.
Locally you just want it to "speak" some sentences, perhaps constructed with nicknames and such, for example:
Hello nickname! You are my hero!
Yo otherguy! What is up with you homey?!
Welcome back somebodyelse!
assuming nickname, otherguy, somebodyelse join.
Is this correct in my assumption? What exactly should it be "speaking"? This is where obviously, it's hard to understand from your question what you meant.
This can be easily acheived via [open |program] and piping commands to the speech engine. You can pick any greeting script you like and it can be adapted to "speak" on your computer. Just post the greeting script here you wish to use and we will get started.
If you're curious, I want to use it when I livestream on the site Twitch.tv. I'm just getting started so don't really have viewers, and something like this will help me notice when someone joins the channel.
There's plenty of free moderation bots on Twitch already, so this is all I really want it to do.