Note that the other process (other TCL) should call at this.
Code: Select all
## ## whois.tcl for eggdrop by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help ## ##
## To use this script you must set channel flag +whois (ie .chanset #chan +whois) ##
## ____ __ ########################################### ##
## / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___ ########################################### ##
## / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \ ########################################### ##
## /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/ ########################################### ##
## /___/ /___/ /_/ ########################################### ##
## ########################################### ##
## ## Start Setup. ## ##
namespace eval whois {
## change cmdchar to the trigger you want to use ## ##
variable cmdchar "!"
## change command to the word trigger you would like to use. ## ##
## Keep in mind, This will also change the .chanset +/-command ## ##
variable command "whois"
## change textf to the colors you want for the text. ## ##
variable textf "\017\00302"
## change tagf to the colors you want for tags: ## ##
variable tagf "\017\002"
## Change logo to the logo you want at the start of the line. ## ##
variable logo "\017\00304\002\[\00306W\003hois\00304\]\017"
## Change lineout to the results you want. Valid results are channel users modes topic ## ##
variable lineout "channel users modes topic"
## ## End Setup. ## ##
variable channel ""
setudef flag $whois::command
bind pub -|- [string trimleft $whois::cmdchar]${whois::command} whois::list
bind raw -|- "311" whois::311
bind raw -|- "312" whois::312
bind raw -|- "319" whois::319
bind raw -|- "317" whois::317
bind raw -|- "313" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "310" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "335" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "301" whois::301
bind raw -|- "671" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "320" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "401" whois::multi
bind raw -|- "318" whois::318
bind raw -|- "307" whois::307
proc whois::311 {from key text} {
if {[regexp -- {^[^\s]+\s(.+?)\s(.+?)\s(.+?)\s\*\s\:(.+)$} $text wholematch nick ident host realname]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Host:${whois::textf} \
$nick \(${ident}@${host}\) ${whois::tagf}Realname:${whois::textf} $realname"
proc whois::multi {from key text} {
if {[regexp {\:(.*)$} $text match $key]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Info:${whois::textf} [subst $$key]"
return 1
proc whois::312 {from key text} {
regexp {([^\s]+)\s\:} $text match server
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Servidor:${whois::textf} $server"
proc whois::319 {from key text} {
if {[regexp {.+\:(.+)$} $text match channels]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Canales:${whois::textf} $channels"
proc whois::317 {from key text} {
if {[regexp -- {.*\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s\:} $text wholematch idle signon]} {
set A [ctime]
regsub -all "Mon" ctime "Lun" ctime
regsub -all "Tue" ctime "Mar" ctime
regsub -all "Wed" $signon "Mie" signon
regsub -all "Thur" $signon "Jue" signon
regsub -all "Fri" $signon "Vie" signon
regsub -all "Sat" $signon "Sab" signon
regsub -all "Sun" $signon "Dom" signon
regsub -all "Jan" $signon "Ene" signon
regsub -all "Apr" ctime "Abr" ctime
regsub -all "Aug" $signon "Ago" signon
regsub -all "Dec" $signon "Dic" signon
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Conectado prueba $A:${whois::textf} \
[ctime $signon] ${whois::tagf}Inactivo:${whois::textf} [duration $idle]"
proc whois::301 {from key text} {
if {[regexp {^.+\s[^\s]+\s\:(.*)$} $text match awaymsg]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Away:${whois::textf} $awaymsg"
proc whois::318 {from key text} {
namespace eval whois {
variable channel ""
variable whois::channel ""
proc whois::307 {from key text} {
global nickreg
set nickreg 1
putserv "PRIVMSG $whois::channel :${whois::logo} ${whois::tagf}Services:${whois::textf} Nick Registrado"
proc whois::list {nick host hand chan text} {
if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "+${whois::command}"] != -1} {
namespace eval whois {
variable channel ""
variable whois::channel $chan
putserv "WHOIS $text"
The value of the variable nickreg is who want to move to another process, which previously had to call this.proc whois::307 {from key text} {
global nickreg
set nickreg 1