change the identd to identd random and it is interesting the bad thing is that it does not work it tries to change the identd but it does not achieve it
the ideal thing would be that it changes the vhost and identd whenever it gets connected to a server
so the abuses would be avoided in vhost clones (clones for vhost)
skylight using these variants ::::
variable ident "ReeBoT SuperBoT Android YoRoboT Walle"
variable vhost ""
some friend who helps me with this idea to modify this tcl
and that works to the style randon so much for identd and vhost
Code: Select all
namespace eval oident {
namespace eval variable {
#Set this to your idents you like to use with this Eggdrop
variable ident "ReeBoT SuperBoT Android YoRoboT Walle"
#Set this to the full path of your .oidentd.conf [/home/username/.oidentd.conf]
variable conf "/home/robots/kantuta/.oidentd.conf"
bind evnt - connect-server [namespace current]::setident
proc setident {type} {
set file [open $::oident::variable::conf "w"]
if {[llength $::oident::variable::ident] == 1} {
set ident "$::oident::variable::ident"
} elseif {[llength $::oident::variable::ident] > 1} {
set ident "[lindex "$::oident::variable::ident" [rand [expr [llength $::oident::variable::ident] - 1]]]"
puts $file "global { reply \"$ident\"}"
close $file
putlog "\002OIdent\002 cambiando Identd a $ident"
putlog "oidentd.tcl Version 1.0 coded by Stephan Brendel loaded Edited by \002W\002ebsite:"