set canal_admin "#channel1"
set canal_radio "#channel2"
bind pub * !request ver_chan
bind msgm - * info:channel
proc ver_chan {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global canal_admin canal_djs canal_radio
if {[string tolower $chan] != [string tolower $canal_radio]} {return 0}
if {[llength $text] != 1} { putmsg $canal_radio "canal invalido XD"; return }
set canal [lindex [split $text] 0]
##Send your query to the bot CHaN by the channel info.
putserv "PRIVMSG chan :info $canal"
proc info:channel {nick CHaN!-@- hand text} {
global canal_admin
if {[lsearch -exact -nocase "*Founder:*" $text]} {
###set founder ?????????
###set dateregistred ?????????
putmsg $canal_admin "$text"
} else {
<oper> !request #test
02:03 @mybot ¦ Channel information #test:
02:03 @mybot ¦ Status: ACTIVE
02:03 @mybot ¦ Founder: Susan
02:03 @mybot ¦ Description: Private channel testing
02:03 @mybot ¦ Registered: 19:57:24 09/Feb/2015 CET
02:03 @mybot ¦ Last used: 05:52:26 02/May/2015 CEST
02:03 @mybot ¦ Opcion: Retention topic,Secure
02:03 @mybot ¦ Lock modes: +s-i
02:03 @mybot ¦ End INFO channel #test.
I need to find in the text the nick of the founder and the date of registration of the channel.
Then, store the data in variables, which then will store in a file.
If you do not understand my ideas is because I can not think in English, I help me with Google Translate. I only speak Spanish. Bear with me. Thanks