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shoutcast by Domsen issues variables [solved]

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shoutcast by Domsen issues variables [solved]

Post by juanamores »

For all those who use TCL Shoutcast byDomsen, tell them that the error resulting about not finding values ​​in variables streamstatus or cursong is because for issuing MP3 by shoutcast linux we have to pay the mp3 license costing $ 5.
I not purchased because there are conflicting opinions by internet. Some people say who Winamp it no longer sells more and we must to be purchase to Digital River and others say it is illegal to charge for MP3 license for non-commercial purposes.

My issue was because I had configured a sc_transcoder AutoDJ with Shoutcast and this setup works for free if the AAC encoder is used, but if you want to use mp3 required to complete two more fields that are user and password mp3's license.
Great it works. However, need to fix the MP3 Licensing issue by implementing it in CONFIG folder (sc_serv file), or if we put the parameters for(unlockkeyname= or unlockkeycode= ) it gives errors when launching the server. Would not recognize the lines with the statements.

#MP3 Licensing Issue
Another tip to avoid the mistakes of the variables is to know three data:
IP, port and password streaming.
These data are set at the beginning of the script (configuration):
set streamip "xx.xx.xx.xx.xx"
set streamport "xxxxx"
set streampass "xxxxx"
If they try to retransmit another radio station which NOT know their streaming password will give variables errors.
If you do not understand my ideas is because I can not think in English, I help me with Google Translate. I only speak Spanish. Bear with me. Thanks :)
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