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Incompatible channels

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Incompatible channels

Post by juanamores »

I need to create a code that detects if a nick is given channel while in mine, if so, to kick and ban him from my channel.

You should use a RAW number to see if it is determined NICK incompatible channel?

Code: Select all

set mychannel1 "#A"
set mychannel2 "#B"
set mychannel3 "#C"
set incompatible "#XX"

bind cron - {* * * * *} chanel:incompat

proc chanel:incompat {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
   global mychannel1 mychannel2 mychannel3 incompatible
	foreach users [chanlist $mychannel1] {
		if {[onchan $users $incompatible]} {
			putserv "mode $mychannel1 +b $nick"
			putserv "kick $mychannel1 $nick :Incompatible Channel"
	foreach users [chanlist $mychannel2] {
		if {[onchan $users $incompatible]} {
			putserv "mode $mychannel2 +b $nick"
			putserv "kick $mychannel2 $nick :Incompatible Channel"
	foreach users [chanlist $mychannel3] {
		if {[onchan $users $incompatible]} {
			putserv "mode $mychannel3 +b $nick"
			putserv "kick $mychannel3 $nick :Incompatible Channel"

Tcl error [chanel:incompat]: illegal channel: #XX
If you do not understand my ideas is because I can not think in English, I help me with Google Translate. I only speak Spanish. Bear with me. Thanks :)
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Post by Madalin »

Yes you have to use BIND RAW. You have to WHOIS that username and if that channel is not on +s it will be showned there and then you can make your script. That error is because the eggdrop is not present on that channel. You cannot verify if a nickname is on a specified channel if the eggdrop isnt there.
Posts: 317
Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:59 am

Post by juanamores »

Madalin wrote:Yes you have to use BIND RAW. You have to WHOIS that username and if that channel is not on +s it will be showned there and then you can make your script. That error is because the eggdrop is not present on that channel. You cannot verify if a nickname is on a specified channel if the eggdrop isnt there.
I found this TCL: ... load&id=34

Code: Select all

# BanChan 3.4 TCL
#  This script is based on ChanBan, but it is not really a new version of it.  After having used ChanBan2.2b.tcl for a few
#  months, it started to really piss me off.  It had a weird timing bug that would start banning/kicking the wrong users.
#  I finally set out to squish the bug, and stared in wide-eye'd amazment at the mess of code.  I started trying to patch
#  it, but it was hopeless.  I started from stratch, and what we have here is a nice clean script.
# v3.0 - Clown-Man, fresh script
# v3.1 - Fixed bug where people with "{" or "}" in their nicks threw off the list functions!
# v3.2 - Fixed a bug where ANY chan the bot joined it would scan nicks!
# v3.3 - Fixed the multiple timer bug (after .rehash)
# v3.4 - Added a different banmask (*!*@host)
# Comments, Suggestions, Bug reports?
# Script by Clown-Man EFnet ( #Cracks #FreeISO #WarezCREW #Faith2000 )
# Big thanks goes out to H3llSp4wn for being such an awesome scripter who is willing to let me bug him all day for help :-P
#  1) Maybe make a way to warn ppl b4 they get banned like in the old versions (this caused timeing errors b4 ....)
#  2) Add checking for all chans
#  3) A kick b4 the ban so chan ppl can see what's happening
# Options:

# Set the channels you want to check users on
# include the "#" and seperate them by a space.  EG set checkchans "#chan1 #chan3 #otherchan"
set checkchans "#warezcrew"

# Words of channels that will be banned, seperated by a space.  If you put set badchans "badc list" 
# the channels that would # be banned are #badchan #chanbadc #listchan #chanthatlists etc ......
set badchans "list warez-world warez_sitez warez&scripts cablewarez98 hyperwarez leechftp 100%warez protonwarez LEETwarez"

# Minutes between each full check of a channel.  NOTE - do not set this low if you have a lot of people! 
# This is a huge load on the server/bot so don't be an idiot and check every 1 min on a chan with 100 people.  
# The bot will lag out (or get k-lined)
set intervalcheck 10

# Length of ban for being on the wrong chan (in minutes)
set idiotbantime 3

# The reason listed on the banlist.  This is also used when the bot msgs them saying how long they were banned for and why.
set banmsg "You are not allowed to be in any list channels while in #WarezCREW"

# Do not edit anything below here unless you are making a version change!

bind JOIN - * banchan:join
bind RAW - 319 banchan:response
bind RAW - 353 banchan:names

if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
  timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:names {from keyword nicklist} {
  global checkchans
  set nicklist [banchan:charfilter $nicklist]
  set nicklist [lrange $nicklist 3 end]
  set chanfrom ""
  append chanfrom "*" [lindex $nicklist 2] "*"
  set chanfrom [string tolower $chanfrom]
  if {[string match $chanfrom $checkchans]} {
    return 1
  set currnicknum 0
  set currentnick "b4"
  while {$currentnick != ""} {
    set currentnick [lindex $nicklist $currnicknum]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    putserv "WHOIS $currentnick"
    incr currnicknum

proc banchan:scan { } {
  global checkchans intervalcheck
  set tocheck [string tolower $checkchans]
  set ccnum 0
  set total [llength $tocheck]
  while {$ccnum < $total} {
    putlog "BanChan: Scanning [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    putserv "NAMES [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    incr ccnum
  if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
    timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:join {nick uhost handle channel} {
  global checkchans
  set checkchans [string tolower $checkchans]
  set channel [string tolower $channel]
  set matchpattern "*$channel*"
  if {[string match $matchpattern $checkchans] == 1} {
    putserv "WHOIS $nick"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 0

proc banchan:response {from keyword arg} {
  global badchans banmsg idiotbantime checkchans
  set badchans [string tolower $badchans]
  set badchans [concat $badchans]
  set arg [banchan:charfilter $arg]
  set currentchannel "empty"
  set chanlistnum 2
  set nick [lindex $arg 1]
  set matchpattern ""
  while {$currentchannel != ""} {
    set currentchannel [lindex $arg $chanlistnum]
    set currentchannel [string tolower $currentchannel]
    if {$currentchannel == ""} {
    if {$chanlistnum == 2} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "+"} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    set currentbannum 0
    while {[llength $badchans] > $currentbannum} {
      set matchpattern "*[lindex $badchans $currentbannum]*"
      if {[string match $matchpattern $currentchannel]} {
        set uhost [getchanhost $nick]
        if {$uhost == ""} {
           return 0
        set tempi [expr [string first @ $uhost] + 1]
        set uhost "*!*@[string range $uhost $tempi end]"
        set chantomsglist [string tolower $checkchans]
        set chantomsgnum 0
        while {$chantomsgnum < [llength $chantomsglist]} {
          set currentchantomsg [lindex $chantomsglist $chantomsgnum]
          if {[onchan $nick $currentchantomsg] == 1} {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $currentchantomsg :$nick is being banned for being on $currentchannel"
          incr chantomsgnum
        utimer 5 [banchan:delayedban $uhost]
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :You have been banned for $idiotbantime minutes, because you were in a forbiddon channel ($currentchannel). Please part that channel and return when your ban time is up!"
        return 0
      incr currentbannum
    incr chanlistnum
  return 0

proc banchan:delayedban { banhost } {
  global banmsg idiotbantime
  newban $banhost "BanChan3.2" "$banmsg" $idiotbantime

proc banchan:charfilter {x {y ""}} { 
 for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $x]} {incr i} { 
  switch -- [string index $x $i] { 
  """ {append y "\\""}
  "\" {append y "\\\"}
  "\[" {append y "\\\["}
  "\]" {append y "\\\]"}
  "\{" {append y "\\\{"}
  "\}" {append y "\\\}"}
  default {append y [string index $x $i]} 
 return $y 

putlog "BanChan 3.4 By Clown-Man Loaded"
If you do not understand my ideas is because I can not think in English, I help me with Google Translate. I only speak Spanish. Bear with me. Thanks :)
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