roger wrote:...
little prob appeared about a week ago, bot joins a channel called "mychannel" i remove it by doing .-chan #mychannel, but on next reboot it joins there again. the add channel in config file is commented out so am at a loss as to where this is comming from
thanks for any and all help
Channel settings are stored in the .chan file (whatever you named it, in eggdrop.conf)
It sounds like - for some reason - the change to that file is not happening when you do .-chan #mychannel.
If ever the channel was added via eggdrop.conf itself, then it would not be a dynamic channel ( one added via .+chan partyline command).
Even if you commented it out, later.
Honestly, I can't remember if you are even allowed to .-chan a permanent channel like that. For a long time now, it has been recommended to NOT add channels via eggdrop.conf, but to only use .+chan . I always do it that way because I want to get control of the bot (say Hello, set pass, log in, etc. ) BEFORE it ever joins a channel.
So, I forgot if you can .-chan such a channel, or not.
You CAN set it +inactive though. That means that it still exists in the .chan file, but is inactive. Means that bot won't join that channel.
Try: .chaninfo #mychannel
and I bet that right now, it is -inactive.
Then do: .chanset #mychannel +inactive
to change that. Bot will leave #mychannel.
Do: .chaninfo #mychannel again, and see that it is +inactive now.
Do: .chansave to be sure it is saved. (Bot saves periodically on it's own eventually anyway)
Do: .status and at the bottom of the report you'll see all channels in the bot's chan file, and their current status.
If #mychannel is a permanent chan, there is a way to get it out of there, if you really want to. But that's for later. Let's get past your current question first.
I hope this helps.
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