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Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
Revered One
Posts: 1107 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:35 pm
i was trying out this enforce bans code
and was wondering how to edit it to have banned users kicked out but with a timer
and to have it check afterwards if the banned nick is actually still on channel and perhaps if multiple nicks have been banned within short period to send it with just a single timer to prevent a bunch of timers do to the same job on multiple nicks
Code: Select all
bind mode - "* +b" enforcebansq
proc enforcebansq {nick uhost hand chan mc ban} {
if {![string match -nocase [string map {"\\" "\\\\" "\[" "\\["} $ban] $::botname]} {
foreach n [chanlist $chan] {
if {[string match -nocase [string map {"\\" "\\\\" "\[" "\\["} $ban] $n![getchanhost $n $chan]]} {
if {![isop $n $chan] && ![ishalfop $n $chan] && ![matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { after [expr {5*1000*1}] [list checkenforceq $chan $n] }
} else {
proc checkenforceq {chan nick} {
if {[onchan $nick $chan]} {
putserv "kick $chan $nick :PLease follow our rules terms and conditions of our network thank you for more info use: /rules"
} else { return }
Revered One
Posts: 1107 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:43 am
actually we use this :
Code: Select all
namespace eval enforceBans {
set enforce(max) "4"
set enforce(reason) "Ban %ban set in %from matches your host. You are banned!"
bind mode - "% +b" [namespace current]::enforce
proc enforce {nick uhost hand chan mc ban} {
variable enforce
set reason [string map [list "%from" $chan "%ban" $ban "%who" $nick] $enforce(reason)]
if {![botisop $chan]} { return 0 }
set ban [string map {"\\" "\\\\" "\[" "\\["} $ban]
if {[matchstr "*@*mibbit*" "$ban"]} { return 0 }
if {[string match -nocase $ban $::botname]} { return }
foreach n [chanlist $chan] {
if {![matchaddr $ban $n![getchanhost $n $chan]]} continue
if {[isop $n $chan] || [ishalfop $n $chan] || [matchattr [nick2hand $n] "fnmo|fnmo" $chan]} continue
if {[onchan $n $chan]} { lappend kickList($chan) $n }
if {[llength $kickList($chan)] > 2} { return }
if {[info exists kickList($chan)]} {
set kickList($chan) [lsort -dictionary $kickList($chan)]
set len [llength $kickList($chan)]
while {$len > 0} {
if {$len > $enforce(max)} {
set users [join [lrange $kickList($chan) 0 [expr {$enforce(max) - 1}]] ,]
set kickList($chan) [lrange $kickList($chan) $enforce(max) end]
incr len -$enforce(max)
} else {
set users [join $kickList($chan) ,]
set len 0
after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list putnow "kick $chan $users $reason"]
i was wondering how to send the stored nicks to be kicked in this line
after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list putnow "kick $chan $users $reason"]
to perhaps check if they are still online before kicking to make sure its not kicking out nicks that already have been kicked out or left channel
Revered One
Posts: 1107 Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by simo » Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:10 am
oh i actually found the pasted code odly doesnt stack the kicks