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Mrc to TCL !!! Pliss xD

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:50 pm

Mrc to TCL !!! Pliss xD

Post by ORATEGOD »

Greetings friends, is it possible to change this *.mrc to *.tcl ??

Excuse my bad English.

Code: Select all

# Search for packs for the #eBOOKs channel #

on *:START:{ hmake xdccs 2000 }
on *:TEXT:$(* $+ $chr(35) $+ *):#eBOOKs:{
  if ($nick isvoice $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan) || ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($xdccs.pack($1-)) { xdccs.add $nick $ifmatch }
alias xdccs.pack {
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  var %xdccs.pack.format = #* *x [*] *
  if (%xdccs.pack.format iswm $1-) {
    if ([*] iswm $3) { tokenize 32 $remove($1,$chr(35)) $remove($2,$chr(120)) $remove($3,$chr(91),$chr(93)) $4- }
    if ([ *] iswm $3-4) { tokenize 32 $remove($1,$chr(35)) $remove($2,$chr(120)) $remove($3-4,$chr(32),$chr(91),$chr(93)) $5- }
    return $1-
  var %xdccs.pack.format = #* «*» * - (* gets)
  if (%xdccs.pack.format iswm $1-) {
    if («*» iswm $2) { tokenize 32 $remove($1,$chr(35)) N/A $remove($2,$chr(171),$chr(187)) $3- }
    if («*» iswm $2-3) { tokenize 32 $remove($1,$chr(35)) N/A $remove($2-3,$chr(171),$chr(187)) $4- }
    return $1-
alias xdccs.add {
  if ($5) {
    hadd xdccs $1 $+ _ $+ $2 $ctime $3-
    if ($$3)) { top.add $1 $+ _ $+ $2 }

## !total: show total searches #
# can you show !total every hour on the channel? #

on *:TEXT:!total:*:{ .msg # 04[15 Searchbot7™ 04][14 total searches12:14 %search.tot 04][14 successful searches12:14 $round($calc($calc(%search.suc / %search.tot) * 100),2) $+ $chr(37) 04][14 total packs12:14 $hget(xdccs,0).item 04] }

# !search - !s : show search results #

on *:TEXT:!search *:*:{
  inc %search.tot
  var = * $+ $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(42)) $+ *
  var = 1
  var = 0
  while ($hget(xdccs, {
    var = $gettok($hget(xdccs,$ifmatch),3-,32)
    if ( iswm { inc }
  if ( == 0) { .notice $nick 04[14 Searchbot7™ 04] [14 Sorry12,14 No Matches For12:14 $2- $+ 12. 04][14 Total Packs12:14 $hget(xdccs,0).item $+ 12. 04] }
  if ( != 0) {
    inc %search.suc
    .notice $nick 04[14 Searchbot7™ 04] [14 $iif( > 9,10, $+ 12/14 $+ Results For12:14 $2- $+ 12. 04][14 Total Packs12:14 $hget(xdccs,0).item $+ 12. 04]
    var %xdccs.disp.cur = 1
    var %xdccs.disp.packs = 0
    while ($hget(xdccs,%xdccs.disp.cur).item) {
      var %xdccs.disp.value = $gettok($hget(xdccs,$ifmatch),4-,32)
      var %xdccs.disp.gets = $gettok($hget(xdccs,$ifmatch),2,32)
      var %xdccs.disp.size = $gettok($hget(xdccs,$ifmatch),3,32)
      var %xdccs.disp.time = $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(xdccs,$ifmatch),1,32)))
      var = $gettok($ifmatch,1,95)
      var %xdccs.disp.pack = $gettok($ifmatch,2,95)
      if ( iswm %xdccs.disp.value) {
        .notice $nick $iif( ison #eBOOKs,04[9 ONLiNE 04],04[4 OFFLiNE 04]) 04[14 %xdccs.disp.value 04][14 Size9:14 %xdccs.disp.size 04][14 Gets12:14 %xdccs.disp.gets 04][14 Command12:14 /msg xdcc send $chr(35) $+ %xdccs.disp.pack 04]  
        inc %xdccs.disp.packs      
      if (%xdccs.disp.packs == 20) { halt }
      inc %xdccs.disp.cur

  .notice $nick [ If you do not find what you are looking for, be more specific in your search, Enjoy!!! ]
  .notice $nick [ === End Of Search === ]

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