ive been trying this edited version of an anti repeat lines and anti repeat chars tcl with warnings added wich doesnt seem work as expected gettin this error:
Tcl error [::repeatf::repeatpubm]: can't read "warn(max)": no such element in array
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proc string2pattern {str} { regsub -all -- {(\[|\]|\\|\?|\*)} $str {\\\1} }
namespace eval ::repeatf {
bind pubm - * [namespace current]::repeatpubm
variable following
variable repeatf
variable warn
set repeatf(wmsg) "Warning: You've triggered %type repeating protection, stop repeating."
#.chanset #channel ap:repeatc 25 30 w:k:kb 2
#.chanset * ap:repeatl 2:10 60 k:kb 2
#setudef flag antirepeat
setudef str ap:repeatc
variable defrepeatc {25 30 w:k:kb 2}
setudef str ap:repeatl
variable defrepeatl {2:10 60 k:kb 2}
bind ctcp - ACTION [namespace current]::anti_char-repeat:action
proc anti_char-repeat:action {n u h d k t} {
if {[isbotnick $d] || [isop $n $d] || [ishalfop $n $d] || [matchattr [nick2hand $n] ofn|ofn $d]} { return 0 }
repeatpubm $n $u $h $d $t
proc repeatpubm {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {[isvoice $nick $chan] || [isbotnick $chan] || [isop $nick $chan] || [ishalfop $nick $chan] || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick] ofn|ofn $chan]} { return 0 }
set users [list]
set umasks [list]
variable repeatf
#if {![channel get $chan antirepeat]} {return 1}
variable defrepeatc
variable defrepeatl
variable warn
if {[string is space [channel get $chan ap:repeatc]]} {channel set $chan ap:repeatc $defrepeatc}
if {[string is space [channel get $chan ap:repeatl]]} {channel set $chan ap:repeatl $defrepeatl}
foreach {off btime pmeth btype} [set cgot [split [channel get $chan ap:repeatl]]] {break}
foreach {o s} [cgsplit $off] {break}
set arg [string map {\017 {}} [stripcodes bcruag $arg]]
if {![invalid:apf $o $s]} {
if {[set ts [follow $s rpt:[md5 [string tolower $uhost:$arg:$chan]] $o]] != -1} {
set kmsg "$o repeats in $ts secs"
set wmsg [string map {%type text} $repeatf(wmsg)] ; set reptype repeatl
if {![info exists kmsg]} {
set cgotc [split [channel get $chan ap:repeatc]]
if {[string is integer [set i [lindex $cgotc 0]]] && $i > 0} {
set cl "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?!@#$%^&.-_=)([]{}\\\/~`*|,<'>"
for {set c 0} {$c < [string length $cl]} {incr c} {
if {[string match -nocase *[string2pattern [string repeat [string index $cl $c] $i]]* $arg]} {
foreach {btime pmeth btype} [lrange $cgotc 1 end] {break}
set kmsg "${i}+ consecutive [string index $cl $c]'s"
set wmsg [string map {%type letter} $repeatf(wmsg)] ; set reptype repeatc ; break
if {[info exists kmsg]} {
set chost [getchanhost $nick $chan]
regsub -all -- ~ $chost "" chost
if {![info exists warn($uhost)]} {
set warn($uhost) 1
utimer $warn(reset) [list [namespace current]::action:reset $uhost]
} else { incr warn($uhost) }
if {$warn($uhost) > $warn(max)} {
if {[string match -nocase "*@*irccloud*" [maskhost $nick!$chost 2]] || [string match -nocase "*@*kiwiirc*" [maskhost $nick!$chost 2]] || [string match -nocase "*@*mibbit*" [maskhost $nick!$chost 2]]} {
set ident [lindex [split $chost @] 0]
set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
set bmask *!*[string tolower $xbmaskx ]@*
pushmode $chan +b $bmask
} else { pushmode $chan +b "*!*@[maskhost $nick!$chost 2]" }
putquick "kick $chan $nick dont repeat please thank you..."
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Warning $warn($uhost): No Action Please"
return 1
proc action:reset {uhost} {
variable warn
if {[info exists warn($uhost)]} { unset warn($uhost) }
proc cgsplit off {
foreach {o s} [split $off :] {break}
expr {([info exists o]&&[info exists s])?[list $o $s]:{0 0}}
proc invalid:apf {o s} {
expr {![string is integer -strict $o] || $o <= 0 || ![string is double -strict $s] || $s <= 0}
proc follow {s fv pun {v 1} {ty 0}} {
variable following
if {![info exists following($fv)]} {
set o $v
set t [clock clicks -milliseconds]
} {
foreach {o t} $following($fv) {break}
incr o $v
if {[set z [expr {([clock clicks -milliseconds]-$t)/1000.}]] >= $s} {
set o $v
set t [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set following($fv) [list $o $t]
if {$o >= $pun} {if {!$ty} {followrem following($fv)} ; return [expr {$z>=$s?0.0:$z}]}
return -1
proc followrem fv {
upvar [namespace current]::$fv f
if {[info exists f]} {unset f}