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anti mass joins with netsplit check

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Revered One
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anti mass joins with netsplit check

Post by simo »

i had a question/request i have been using the the code with netsplit check for a while on dalnet and it works excellent except after a netsplit its totally disabled meaning in the time its disabled massjoin floods may happen without any checks in place.

I saw a friend of mine use a method in his MSL bot where he stores all the hosts that have exited due to netsplit and stores them for like an hour so they will be ignored on a massjoin after the server has linked again while still checking any other hosts for massjoins wich seems a more effiecient method.

would it be possible to implement it for the eggdrop tcl version ?

thanks in advance.

this is the code we have so far:

Code: Select all

## mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.1 (29Feb2016) by SpiKe^^ ##
# Mass joins, kick-ban on joins:seconds #
set mjp(flood) 3:2

# Mass joins kick-ban reason #
set mjp(reasn) "14Possible/Flooder/Spammer"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set mjp(maxb) 6

# Max number of kicks to stack in one kick command #          <- NEW SETTING <-
# NOTE: many networks allow more than one nick to be kicked per command. #
#       set this at or below the max for your network.
set mjp(maxk) 3

# Length of time in minutes to ban mass join flooders #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set mjp(btime) 0) #
set mjp(btime) 30

# After a valid mass join flood, script will continue #
# to kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set mjp(xpire) 10

# Set the type of ban masks to use #
#  1 = use host/ip specific bans (ex. *!* #
#  2 = use wide masked host/ip bans (ex. *!*@* #
#      note: setting 2 requires eggdrop 1.6.20 or newer. #
set mjp(btype) 2

# Set protected host(s) that should not be wide masked #
# - Example:  set mjp(phost) "*"
#  Note: this setting only applies to ban type 2 above! #
#  Note: set empty to not protect any hosts (ex. set mjp(phost) "") #
#  Note: space separated if listing more than one protected host #
set mjp(phost) ""

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set mjp(mode) "") #
set mjp(mode) "Rm"

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set mjp(mrem) 60000

# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing #

bind join - * mjp_bindjoin

proc mjp_bindjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  global mjp mjpc mjpq

  if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
  if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} { return 0 }

  set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost]
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0]

  if {[info exists mjpc($chan)]} {
    set uhlist [lassign $mjpc($chan) cnt ut]
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($chan) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($chan) }
  if {![info exists mjpc($chan)]} {
    set mjpc($chan) [list 1 $utnow $uhost]
    return 0

  incr cnt
  if {$cnt <= $target} {
    if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost }
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      set mjpc($chan) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut]
    } else {
      set mjpc($chan) [list $cnt $ut]
      if {$mjp(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $mjp(mrem)]} {
        putquick "MODE $chan +$mjp(mode)"
        utimer $mjp(mrem) [list putquick "MODE $chan -$mjp(mode)"]
      mjp_dobans $chan $uhlist
    return 0

  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} {
    utimer 2 [list mjp_bque $chan]
    set mjpq($chan) [list $uhost]
  } elseif {[lsearch $mjpq($chan) $uhost] == -1} {
    lappend mjpq($chan) $uhost

  if {[llength $mjpq($chan)] >= $mjp(maxb)} {
    mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan)
    set mjpq($chan) ""

  return 0

proc mjp_dobans {chan uhlist} {
  global mjp netsplit_detected
  if {$netsplit_detected} return
  if {![botisop $chan]} return
  set banList ""
  set nickList ""
  foreach ele $uhlist {
    scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host

    if {$mjp(btype) == 2} {
      set type 4

      foreach ph $mjp(phost) {
        if {[string match -nocase $ph $host]} {
          set type 2  ;  break

      set bmask [maskhost $ele $type]

    } else {  set bmask "*!*@$host"  }

    if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask }
    if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick }
  stack_bans $chan $mjp(maxb) $banList

  # begin new kick code #
  foreach nk $nickList {
    if {[onchan $nk $chan]} {  lappend nkls $nk  } else { continue }
    if {[llength $nkls] == $mjp(maxk)} {
      putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
      unset nkls
  if {[info exists nkls]} {
    putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
  # end new kick code #

  if {$mjp(btime) > 0} {
    set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $mjp(btime)}]
    lappend mjp(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList]

proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } {
  set len [llength $banlist]
  while {$len > 0} {
    if {$len > $max} {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $max]
      set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]]
      set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end]
      incr len -$max
    } else {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $len]
      set masks [join $banlist]
      set len 0
    putquick "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks"

proc mjp_bque {chan} {
  global mjpq
  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { return }
  if {$mjpq($chan) eq ""} { unset mjpq($chan) ; return }
  mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan)
  unset mjpq($chan)

proc mjp_breset {} {
  global mjpc mjp
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0]
  foreach {key val} [array get mjpc] {
    lassign $val cnt ut
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($key) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($key) }

  if {[info exists mjp(rmls)]} {
    while {[llength $mjp(rmls)]} {
      set next [lindex $mjp(rmls) 0]
      lassign $next expire chan banList
      if {$expire > $utnow} {  break  }
      set mjp(rmls) [lreplace $mjp(rmls) 0 0]
      if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} {  set rmAra($chan) $banList
      } else {  set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList]  }
    foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] {
      set banList ""
      foreach mask $val {
        if {![ischanban $mask $key]} {  continue  }
        lappend banList $mask
      if {$banList eq ""} {  continue  }
      if {![botisop $key]} {
        set mjp(rmls) [linsert $mjp(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]]
      } else {  stack_bans $key $mjp(maxb) $banList -  }
    if {![llength $mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  }

  utimer 30 [list mjp_breset]

if {![info exists mjp_running]} {
  utimer 20 [list mjp_breset]
  set mjp_running 1

set mjp(flood) [split $mjp(flood) :]
set mjp(btime) [expr {$mjp(btime) * 60}]
set mjp(phost) [split [string trim $mjp(phost)]]
if {$mjp(btime)==0 && [info exists mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  }

proc rdsb_unlock {chan lock} {
   if {![botisop $chan]} return
   set cm [lindex [split [getchanmode $chan] +] 1]
   foreach m [split $lock ""] {
      if {[lsearch -exact $cm $m] != -1} {
         pushmode $chan -$m

set netsplit_detected 0

bind raw - QUIT netsplit:detect

proc netsplit:detect {from key arg} {
   global netsplit_detected
   if {[info exists netsplit_detected]} return
   set arg [string trimleft [stripcodes bcruag $arg] :]
   if {[string equal "Quit:" [string range $arg 0 4]]} return
   if {![regexp -- {^([[:alnum:][:punct:]]+)[[:space:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]+)$} $text _arg s1 s2]} return
   if {[string match "*" $s1] && [string match "*" $s2]} {
      set netsplit_detected 1
      utimer 180 [list netsplit:unlock]

proc netsplit:unlock args {
   global netsplit_detected
   set netsplit_detected 0

putlog "Loaded mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.1 by SpiKe^^"

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mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.3 (15Jun2023)

Post by SpiKe^^ »

New Script Version!!

mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.3 (15Jun2023) by SpiKe^^

!!!! This version is a DALnet specific script !!!!

## Version 1.6.3 tries to add script specific netsplit tracking! (by user):
# 1) New setting controls how long to save netsplit users user@host info.
# 2) New setting to exempt users by full nick!user@host mask.
# 3) Script can now be enabled by channel with: .chanset #chan +mjp
# 4) Put the entire script in a new namespace: namespace eval mjp

!!!! This version is a DALnet specific script !!!!

Code: Select all

## mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.3 (15Jun2023) by SpiKe^^ ##

# !!!! This version is a DALnet specific script !!!! #

## Version 1.6.3  tries to add script specific netsplit tracking! (by user):
# 1) New setting controls how long to save netsplit users user@host info.
# 2) New setting to exempt users by full  nick!user@host  mask.
# 3) Script can now be enabled by channel with:  .chanset #chan +mjp
# 4) Put the entire script in a new namespace:   namespace eval mjp

namespace eval mjp {   variable mjp ;  variable mjpc ;  variable mjpq

setudef flag mjp   ;# <= Use  .chanset #chan +mjp  to enable this script by channel.

################### begin settings ###################

# Mass joins, kick-ban on joins:seconds #
set mjp(flood) 4:1

# Exempt all matching users from this script entirely #       <- NEW SETTING <-
# - list zero or more exempt masks in the format:  nick!user@host #
# - list one exempt mask per file line below. #
set mjp(xmpt-masks) {

} ;# end of: set mjp(xmpt-masks) #

############ kick-ban settings ############

# Mass joins kick-ban reason #
set mjp(reasn) "�-Mass-Joins-�"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set mjp(maxb) 6

# Max number of kicks to stack in one kick command #
# NOTE: many networks allow more than one nick to be kicked per command. #
#       set this at or below the max for your network.
set mjp(maxk) 4

# Length of time in minutes to ban mass join flooders #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set mjp(btime) 0) #
set mjp(btime) 0

# After a valid mass join flood, script will continue #
# to kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set mjp(xpire) 5

# Set the type of ban masks to use #
#  1 = use host/ip specific bans (ex. *!* #
#  2 = use wide masked host/ip bans (ex. *!*@* #
#      note: setting 2 requires eggdrop 1.6.20 or newer. #
set mjp(btype) 2

# Don't wide-ban any of these hosts #                  <- RENAMED SETTING <-
# - Example:  set mjp(no-wide-bans) "*"
#  Note: this setting only applies to ban type 2 above! #
#  Note: set empty to not protect any hosts (ex. set mjp(no-wide-bans) "") #
#  Note: space separated if listing more than one host. #
set mjp(no-wide-bans) "* * *"

############ channel modes ############

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set mjp(mode) "") #
set mjp(mode) "im"

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set mjp(mrem) 10

############ netsplit settings ############

# Set the time (in seconds) to store each split users info #   <- NEW SETTING <-
set mjp(wait-split) 300

# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing #

if {![info exists mjp(issplit-dict)]} { set mjp(issplit-dict) [dict create] }

## thanks to awyeah and nml375 ##
bind raw - QUIT [namespace current]::mjp_bindrawquit

proc mjp_bindrawquit {from key arg} {   variable mjp
  #putlog "proc [namespace current]::mjp_bindrawquit|| from=($from)|| key=($key)|| arg=($arg)"

  set arg [string trimleft [stripcodes bcruag $arg] :]
  if {[string equal "Quit:" [string range $arg 0 4]]} { return 0 }

  set re {^([[:alnum:][:punct:]]+)[[:space:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]+)$}
  if {![regexp -- $re $arg _arg s1 s2]} { return 0 }
  if {![matchstr "*" $s1] || ![matchstr "*" $s2]} { return 0 }
  #putlog "     [namespace current]::mjp_bindrawquit|| s1=($s1)|| s2=($s2)"

  set usr [string trim [string tolower [lindex [split $from "!"] 1]] "~"]
  if {[dict exists $mjp(issplit-dict) $usr]} {
    set mjp(issplit-dict) [dict remove $mjp(issplit-dict) $usr]
  dict set mjp(issplit-dict) $usr [expr {[unixtime] + $mjp(wait-split)}]


bind join - * [namespace current]::mjp_bindjoin

proc mjp_bindjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  variable mjp  ;  variable mjpc  ;  variable mjpq
  if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
  if {![channel get $chan mjp]} { return 0 }

  if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} { return 0 }
  foreach mask $mjp(xmpt-masks) {
    if {[matchaddr $mask ${nick}!$uhost]} { return 0 }

  set usr [string trimleft [string tolower $uhost] "~"]
  if {[dict exists $mjp(issplit-dict) $usr]} {
    set utold [dict get $mjp(issplit-dict) $usr]
    if {$utold > [unixtime]} { return 0 }       ;# equals usr is netsplit #

    # else: equals netsplit info is old #
    set mjp(issplit-dict) [dict remove $mjp(issplit-dict) $usr]

  set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost]
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0]

  if {[info exists mjpc($chan)]} {
    set uhlist [lassign $mjpc($chan) cnt ut]
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($chan) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($chan) }
  if {![info exists mjpc($chan)]} {
    set mjpc($chan) [list 1 $utnow $uhost]
    return 0

  incr cnt
  if {$cnt <= $target} {
    if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost }
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      set mjpc($chan) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut]
    } else {
      set mjpc($chan) [list $cnt $ut]
      if {$mjp(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $mjp(mrem)]} {
        putquick "MODE $chan +$mjp(mode)"
        utimer $mjp(mrem) [list putquick "MODE $chan -$mjp(mode)"]
      mjp_dobans $chan $uhlist
    return 0

  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} {
    utimer 2 [list [namespace current]::mjp_bque $chan]
    set mjpq($chan) [list $uhost]
  } elseif {[lsearch $mjpq($chan) $uhost] == -1} {
    lappend mjpq($chan) $uhost

  if {[llength $mjpq($chan)] >= $mjp(maxb)} {
    mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan)
    set mjpq($chan) ""

  return 0


proc mjp_dobans {chan uhlist} {   variable mjp

  if {![botisop $chan]} return
  set banList ""
  set nickList ""
  foreach ele $uhlist {
    scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host

    if {$mjp(btype) == 2} {   set type 4

      foreach ph $mjp(no-wide-bans) {
        if {[string match -nocase $ph $host]} {
          set type 2  ;  break
      set bmask [maskhost $ele $type]

    } else {  set bmask "*!*@$host"  }

    if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask }
    if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick }
  stack_bans $chan $mjp(maxb) $banList

  # begin new kick code #
  foreach nk $nickList {
    if {[onchan $nk $chan]} {  lappend nkls $nk  } else { continue }
    if {[llength $nkls] == $mjp(maxk)} {
      putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
      unset nkls
  if {[info exists nkls]} {
    putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
  # end new kick code #

  if {$mjp(btime) > 0} {
    set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $mjp(btime)}]
    lappend mjp(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList]

proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } {
  set len [llength $banlist]
  while {$len > 0} {
    if {$len > $max} {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $max]
      set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]]
      set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end]
      incr len -$max
    } else {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $len]
      set masks [join $banlist]
      set len 0
    putquick "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks"

proc mjp_bque {chan} {   variable mjpq
  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { return }
  if {$mjpq($chan) eq ""} { unset mjpq($chan) ; return }
  mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan)
  unset mjpq($chan)

proc mjp_breset {} {   variable mjp ;  variable mjpc
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0]

  foreach {key val} [array get mjpc] {
    lassign $val cnt ut
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($key) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($key) }

  if {[info exists mjp(rmls)]} {
    while {[llength $mjp(rmls)]} {
      set next [lindex $mjp(rmls) 0]
      lassign $next expire chan banList
      if {$expire > $utnow} {  break  }
      set mjp(rmls) [lreplace $mjp(rmls) 0 0]
      if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} {  set rmAra($chan) $banList
      } else {  set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList]  }
    foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] {
      set banList ""
      foreach mask $val {
        if {![ischanban $mask $key]} {  continue  }
        lappend banList $mask
      if {$banList eq ""} {  continue  }
      if {![botisop $key]} {
        set mjp(rmls) [linsert $mjp(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]]
      } else {  stack_bans $key $mjp(maxb) $banList -  }
    if {![llength $mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  }

  if {[dict size $mjp(issplit-dict)] > 0} {   set newdict [dict create]
    dict for {usr utold} $mjp(issplit-dict) {
      if {$utold > $utnow} {  dict set newdict $usr $utold  }
    set mjp(issplit-dict) $newdict

  utimer 30 [list [namespace current]::mjp_breset]

if {![info exists mjp(running)]} {
  utimer 20 [list [namespace current]::mjp_breset]
  set mjp(running) 1

set mjp(xmpt-masks) [string trim $mjp(xmpt-masks)]
if {$mjp(xmpt-masks) ne ""} {
  set mjp(xmpt-masks) [string map {\n " "} $mjp(xmpt-masks)]
  set mjp(xmpt-masks) [split [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} $mjp(xmpt-masks) { }]]

set mjp(flood) [split $mjp(flood) :]
set mjp(btime) [expr {$mjp(btime) * 60}]
set mjp(no-wide-bans) [split [string trim $mjp(no-wide-bans)]]
if {$mjp(btime)==0 && [info exists mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  }

putlog "Loaded mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.3 by SpiKe^^"

}  ;## end of:  namespace eval mjp ##


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Revered One
Posts: 1100
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm

Post by simo »

Thanks SpiKe^^ i'll load it and give a test run how it goes and will report back
Revered One
Posts: 1100
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm

Post by simo »

hey there SpiKe^^ ive tested the tcl on dalnet on a netsplit and it ignored the stored hosts as expected wich is excellent and i also tested it on my own test server to try the regular mass joins check wich seems to work as expected as well so far all seems good if others would load this tcl and provide us some more feedback would be apreciated as well.

Thanks so far SpiKe^^ for the workz,
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