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[QuakeNet] Q Based Ban

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[QuakeNet] Q Based Ban

Post by GodOfSuicide »

In quakenet there isn't a chanserv, just a buggy Bot called Q.

There is also a Lite version without +b feature (called L).

In my chan i only have L, but i wan't to give out Q-Based Bans.

When you do /msg q whois <nick> u get out the following lines :

• Messaging q» whois <nickname>
-Q- <nickname> is online right now.
-Q- <nickname> is authed as <authnick>.
-Q- <nickname> has global auth level <level, most 1>.
-Q- Last auth: [<day (Monday etc)>, <year>-<month>-<day> <hh>:<mm>:<ss>]
-Q- Channel list:
-Q- Access level +<level> on channel <channel>
-Q- Access level +<level> on channel <channel>
-Q- End of list.

In an on-join the bot should ask Q whois the person who joined, and chek the auth-nick. Then it should search an interenal Banlist if this authnick is on the list, and if yes -> kickban.

This script would be very great, and the whole qnet would thank you for that.

mfg g0s
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

argh, wrong forum..

admin plz move to tcl forum...


Post by Stark »

I made a script for Q-based bans yesterday :)

Thx for the idea, it runs well so far.
I dont garante there aren't any bugs in it, it's the first release. :wink:
If you find one, give me a hint plz

Read the comments for installing and config help.
Feedback is welcome!!! 8)


have fun banning,
cya Stark
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Post by BlasterHacker »

nice work stark
its very usefull

Post by Stark »

btw there was i little bug in it, not harming the main function but could be confusing.

download again from the above url and its gone.
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De Kus
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hmmm, think found a bug

Post by De Kus »

yeah, script is nice. but im having problems with qauths containg []...
a .qban list gives me something like:

Code: Select all

QBAN:: Added qbans: {{[]WoXz[]}}
but the auth is only []WoXz[] ^-^. the srcipt/bot adds anyhow a {{ }} around the ban. bans without [] are handled and displayed correctly.