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Can anyone help me :)

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by liquid_0 »

Hey, my bot didn't accept my password anymore, and put me on ignore.. I Downloaded the .user file from the shell, removed the ignore, and set a new pass for me, and finally uploaded the edited file to the shell again..

And now, the eggdrop wont load, telling me the user file is not accepted.. Any suggestions on this? Thanx!

Post by nighthalk1980 »

ok when you set your password to the bot
it encrypts the password so when you just put a password in there it wont except the pass
so deleat all of the users in the file except of the top line witch is

#4v: eggdrop v1.6.6 -- nightdog -- written Sun Oct 28 01:00:00 2001

in the botname.user and the botname.user.bak

then upload both files back to the shell and start the bot and do the proccess over /msg botname hello then /msg botname pass yourpasshere
that should do it then you got to set all the users back up
Posts: 172
Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Croatia

Post by masskilla »

Well nighthalk1980 missinformed you ... you don't have to delete the whole userfile, just your password, then you would just have to /msg botnick pass your_password and it would all work ... but if you already deleted the userfile ... well, heh =)


Post by Mikee »

Actually, what he probably did was mangle the userfile format when trying to edit his password (on top of the fact that he seems to have put a plaintext version of his pass where an encrypted one is expected). When in doubt, don't.