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Bot doesn't react on users leaving channel

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by elDavido »

Need help here! I can't get bot to run the cm_left routine when someone leaves the monitored channel. I've been looking for the stupid bug for hours now, and it's probably very simple but I can't find it!

The script is a "max-number of users in the channel"-script, which saves the number of users (of course) and the date and time when the record was set. Kind of basic stuff for a channel with 10 - 20 users.

I'm posting the routine which is failing and it's bind. If you want the rest, just request and I'll mail it.

BTW, this is my first tcl-script so be nice =)


bind sign - * cm_left


proc cm_left {nick host handle channel reason} {
global cm_chan cm_numusers

set cm_numusers [llength [chanlist $cm_chan]]

# debugging!
putlog "ChanMax: User $nick left $cm_chan. Now $cm_numusers online."

return 0


Post by elDavido »

solved it! thx anyway ;)