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How disable "Abusing desync" and flood kicks?

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How disable "Abusing desync" and flood kicks?

Post by Dragan2000 »

Hi there,

i'm IRCoper in our network and i have an eggdrop running there.

If an other IRCoper (that is not logged in @ the eggdrop) OPs himself, he got kicked with reason "Abusing desync"... How can I disable this?

Another problem:
Users that are writing VERY fast (there are some in our channels) got kicked by the eggdrop because the eggy thinks they are flooding the chan. Is there a way to disable this? Or maybe there is a way to get the users not so quickly kicked??

I hope you can understand this... My english is not very good :\

Greetz & thanks for help
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Post by ppslim »


For the "abusing desynch" part, it can be achieved by setting the channel +nodesych. See ".help chaninfo" and search the forum, this has been answered many times.

As for the flooding, again see ".help chaninfo", as the flood settings can be changed.

However, I have never seen any get kicked on the default flood settings, even those that type fast. Only those that flood, send large asci art and people who like to do 1 line per word should normaly be affected byt he defaults.
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2002 9:46 pm

Post by Gothic-Angel »

I have saw people get kicked for typing fast with the default settings, as a matter of fact it happend today quite a bit to one guy. Got him about 4 times, I did think about moving the setting sup but since its kinda rare that it happens im not really going to worry all that much about it.
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Post by mopar »

You sure that wasn't cause either the user or the bot was lagged?


doesn't work...

Post by Dragan2000 »

Hi there,

.chanset #channel +nodesych doesn't work... Unknown option or something like this i get back.... Other similar words don't work either (nodesynch, nodesync). My eggdrop has version 1.6.10.... Do i have to use an other version to get this work?

Another problem:
Is it possible to disable flood kicks completely? When users are spamming the channel, too? Or how can i set the limit for a flood kick higher??

THX for help....

Posts: 91
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by kain »

ppslim wrote:RTFM
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »


First you will need to see ".help chaninfo", ".chaninfo" and related ".chanset" commands.

Most of this stuff comes off the top of my head, which is not allways right but is allong the right lines, so it wouldn't hurt for you to do some checkup work yourself.

I don't know if this is documented, flood settings can be changed to 0:0 to disable them.