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User file nick limit

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
The Mad One
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2002 12:31 pm

User file nick limit

Post by The Mad One »

Can some one please walk me though or point me somewhere on how to get rid of the user nick limit when adding users cause its annoying to have names limited to 9 characters, i know its possible cause i used to know someone whos bot was able to hold more than 9.
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

This has been answered many times, and can be found by searching the forums.

Edit eggdrop.h in the src directory, and change the HANDLEN value to somthig greater.

You will need to re-compile your bot.

Note, changing this avlue will mean you can't link to any other bots, unless they use the same HANDLEN value. ALso note, that some partyline output will change, as it uses HANDLEN to format data.
Posts: 126
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Post by ProXy »

Changing HANDLEN to antoher value can also cause problems using other modules, eg stats.mod!
The Mad One
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2002 12:31 pm

Post by The Mad One »

I did search for this but i couldnt find anything on it but thanks
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Location: old europe

Post by Darmoth »

After you decompressed the eggdrop archive (eggdrop1.6.x.tar.gz) you have a directory eggdrop1.6.x .
Move into this directory and look for the subdirectory src.
Move into the src directory and there to the file eggdrop.h.

There are 2 Lines about the handle.- and nick-length.
Change the default value from 9 to a handle length you want (up to 32).
Save the changed file, move back untill you are in eggdrop.1.6.x and go on with ./configre and so on.
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

My guess is he couldn't find anything by searching the forum.
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Post by Darmoth »

Well, to be honest, my guess is, there wasn't any search in the Forum.
A simple search for handlen and I got the question answered a few times :P
But well, it's weekend, Christmas is close, i just bought a good whiskey, I just felt like beeing nice and helpfull :)
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

A quick search forlen is what you would use when you know about it.

Can you honestly say you knew the name was handlen before you read it.
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Location: old europe

Post by Darmoth »

Nope, I prolly had searched for nicklength and/or nick and length :)
But as kind as you always are, you added a nice HANLEN in caps into the posting you asked him to do a search in the forum. At least than he should been able to find the right answer to his question :)