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Max eggdrops & info?

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Max eggdrops & info?

Post by Alpha- »

Okay, i have a two questions..
Since a friend is running >20 eggdrops on one pII-300 box same network same channel im wondering if its such a good idea.. i mean a few eggdrops draw pretty much processes.. but what about 20+ in 10+ channels each?... can anyone find any good reason for doing something like this or is it just plain stupid?
Posts: 114
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:41 am
Location: Tuchola, Poland

Post by Nexus6 »

imho it's a personal matter, and in this case your friend prolly wants to make his chans look bigger.
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Post by ppslim »

It's functionaly stupid to usr this many eggdrop from one machine.

1: A single DDOS - or DOS for that matter - attack would render your botnet usless.

2: It's a prime way to get yourself a k-line on the IRC server. Many admins do not like this many bots sitting on there servers, from a single machine.

3: It's a processor burden. If using each bot for different purposes, you get the processor hit from a bot doing one task, effecting others.

4: bandwidth. Simalar to DOS attacks, it wouldn't take much to flood a net like this off. If I run a single bot of a dialup connection, I get one load of traffic, for all channels runnign through this connection. If I have 20 bots, runnign from this dial-up connection (stupid, but the example is valid), I get the exact same traffic, repeated through the connection 20 times. Allthough the traffic is the same, it still has to be downloaded. So what may seem like a sinple flood to a dial-up users, may kill a DSL connection with 20 bots on.