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eggdrop remove bans

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eggdrop remove bans

Post by ProXy »


whenever I set a ban in my channel, my eggdrop removes it after some time (maybe 2 hours). expire-bans is already set to 0, but he still removes the bans. How can I change this? The eggdrop should only remove bans that he had set, not bans set by any other bots or user..

How can I do this?

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Post by MasterJM »

.help chaninfo
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Post by ProXy »

Well, dynamicbans and userbans are set to + in this channel!

When I set the ban, the eggdrop also shows it when i use .bans all in the partyline, but he still removes the ban after 2 hours... :(
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Post by ppslim »

Eggdrop is unsetting them because of the +dynamicbans setting.

Remove this to prevent it.
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Post by ProXy »

Well I think the eggdrop should set the ban if a user matching the ban joins the channel? Isn`t this the function of dynamicbans?

But my eggdrop doesn`t remember those bans :(
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

your bot will only rememver bans set due script or +ban on partyline. bans set on channel will not be added to bots banlist.
you'd need a script adding bans to the bots banlist, like the one i am currently working on :D.
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Post by ppslim »

Dynamic bans is as it sounds, it make the channel ban list, dynamic in nature.

With dynamic bans, the bot will set bans and remove them as needed, to prevent the ban list becoming full, leaving space available.
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Post by ProXy »

So why does the eggdrop stop adding the ban when the user joins even if dynamicbans is on?
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Post by De Kus »

because the bot remembers only bans added by the bot itself after the ban got removed. if you want a few bans beeing permanent, then add them with out duration like ".+ban *!*ident@*.host #channel". if someone removes the ban, the bot will readd it as soon as nesessary.
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Post by Yourname »

if someone removes the ban, the bot will readd it as soon as nesessary.
It'll readd it only when the person matching that ban re-enters. :)

And, BTW, I think eggdrop1.6.13 has a new function/feature that describes ban-times, INDIVIDUALLY, for channels. (Correct me if i'm wrong.) It means, that you can set ban-times differently for each channel the bot is on. Maybe tweaking that might help. Worth a try ;)
Dormant egghead.
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Channel Bantime

Post by De Kus »

Yourname wrote:And, BTW, I think eggdrop1.6.13 has a new function/feature that describes ban-times, INDIVIDUALLY, for channels. (Correct me if i'm wrong.) It means, that you can set ban-times differently for each channel the bot is on. Maybe tweaking that might help. Worth a try ;)
there is nothing to correct, only to confirm. btw, the chanel option is called ban-time.