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Help searched for programming a new modul (rewrite from tcl)

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De Kus
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Help searched for programming a new modul (rewrite from tcl)

Post by De Kus »

soo, i have written various script like autoop (/voice with flag checking and delay for op4all), channellamer (revenging +k, +i, +l, -o and kick in abusing way like kicking/deoping a +m user, realy usefull for chans with many ops or on freeop chans), banmanger (adding bans to bots banlist allowing to remove some without .-ban if the flags are equal or higher to the creators flags). antirejoin (script adding a ban to prevent autorejoin after kick from a registered op) and rewritten peak and limit script from the archive. i'd like to translate them into a new modul. cause all features shall become toggleable via .conf file, it shouldnt be that difficult. also you could create lang file support from which i could provide the german and english one.
i have basic knowlege about C syntax, so all i would need are the howto to rewrite the syntax to C functions definined in the eggdrop source. of course i would provide the tcl files so the logical behavior can copied.

if you wonder why i am intrested in this? its very easy to discribe: my bots response time gets even higher, especially on my windrops. seems tcl source really sux cpu time on windrops *sigh*. i would publish the source code and compiled win32 .dll as well as soon as it would be ready. as i can read in the boards many users are searching for script doing things like what my script or others are doing. perhaps even more script will be included, if the folks help me :D. if the demand is high enough it could be moved to a sourceforge project or something like this.

and to be honest: i am not in haste, making it step by step adding the script one after one would be in my intrest :D.

PS: if you think im kidding and dreaming, the laugh at me and tell me this @_o
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2003 10:24 pm

Post by serra »


I think reading this:

may be a good start, at least i hope so :)
