Hello pplz.I was working around hostserv.tcl and now it's almost ready.
Short about :
HostServ script main purpose is to change user's virtual host on request. Generally written to replace HostServ from Auspice IRC Services, which are full-featured,but was very unstable and replaced by another one.Tested on Unreal IRCD 3.1.3-Komara and Unreal3.2-[beta12],should work on any other Unreal IRCD based server which supports virtual hosts (through /chghost for e.g.)
Now I need a testing for it.If some one is interested in and has UnrealIRCd based network,it would be nice to test script(to work script needs local ircop as minimum).
I have a small irc network and yes in Unreal there is a command to change someone's host: /chghost new_host, but to do so you must be an ircop and have some *rights*. So, guess you don't need to do much testings, anyway, you can put some *putlog's* instead on the command to change the host and if it's working fine then voila.. script done
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Script is done already...just need to write full documentation for it.It includes user managment (several access levels - users,opers,admins and master(s) ),some extra flags for users such as hold flag,etc.This works fine with me,but as I want to send it to slennox's tcl archive,I wanna be sure it will work fine with others
I can't access it due the *33000* port not the ip.
Seems admin closes all standart ports...so the only way is to put files on some freehosting shell.But I thinks it would be better to email docs,or meet online on IRC...left your coordinates,mine are:
irc.rea.ru port 6667 #rea,#eggdrop
nick CoolCold