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Problems :)

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Problems :)

Post by Insectora »

I have a problem with this script again :))


Code: Select all

proc daddy_ban_warn {nick host hand ban chan victims} {
        global daddy botnick
        set ban *!*[string range $host [string first "@" $host] end]
        if {![botisop $chan] || [strlwr $hand] == [string trimright [strlwr $victims] " "] || $daddy(ban_protect) == 0} {return 0}
        if {$hand == "*"} {
                if {[string first +userbans [channel info $chan]] != -1} {
                         if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
                         putserv "MODE $chan -o+b $nick $ban"
                         putserv "KICK $chan $nick :Don't ban my friends, bud"
                         newchanban $chan $ban Friendprotection "Friend was banned off $chan"
                         adduser $nick $nick!*@*
                         chattr $nick +d
                         return 0
        return 0

Before i edit the tcl, this script bans the bad guy on his nick.
But i wanted the script to ban on the address of the bad guy, and i aded
the line
set ban *!*[string range $host [string first "@" $host] end]

and raplace
putserv "MODE $chan -o+b $nick $nick"

putserv "MODE $chan -o+b $nick $ban"

and also edit {nick hand ban chan victims} to {nick host hand ban chan victims}, i only added the "host"

I and after all this i hoped the bot to ban the bad guy to his *!*@adress :))
But when i test the script , There was this error

TCL error [daddy_watch_mode]: no value given for parameter "victims" to "daddy_ban_warn"

I only added the "host" !

Pls help me and tell me how to prevent this error in this script and future scripts :))
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Post by Yourname »

I dunno about the script error, but I know that this is the wrong place you have posted your question in. You must've tried putting it in the TCL section. :)
Dormant egghead.
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Post by Papillon »

wrong section ;)

as for the error... you can't simply just add another "input", if the proc is expecting 6 inputs it gives you an error if you suply just 5, the number and type of inputs varies with each type of bind..
I suggest you go and read about binds in the tcl-commands.doc file in the /doc dir on your eggdrop..

it's an amazing file which would halfe the questions asked in the TCL section if people would just read it ... ;)
Elen sila lúmenn' omentielvo