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I need a whois script to check domain names recursively

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I need a whois script to check domain names recursively

Post by hariskhan »


I need a whois script to check the domain names and check them recursively. Does anyone know of such script on the net?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

ever read the tcl-command.doc? there is an intresting function called dnslookup (you want to get the ip from the hostname, dont you?). to get the hostname use something like: [string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] e]

Sorry, but that's not what I'm looking for

Post by hariskhan »

What I'm looking for is a script that works just like the 'whois' command in UNIX/Linux. Its used to get 'registration' information of domain names. Say if I want to get to know who the domain belongs to, I will type 'whois' on a UNIX/Linux console and I will get an output that 'it' belongs to 'them'.

Get the idea? I don't want a script for 'nslookup'. NO! There are many scripts for that purpose

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Post by Yourname »

I understand what haris means, but as far as I know, unfortunately, there isnt such a script in public domain, maybe private.
Dormant egghead.
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

i dont think its that hard....

just take some domain checker like

then use it like this :
the returned output is in TXT format, so it shouldn't be that hard to parse.

I think good TCL Coders like ppslim, caesar, slenox, wcc, yourname, papilion and the many many other coders in here can do an output, i for myself dont think i could do such complex work, but i hope this urls up there can help.

just found out "whois" and stuff on my shell also returns this you wouldnt even have to fetch data from a webpage but by executing and parsing "whois" output. The URL's above may help with windrop (windows doesn't have this "whois" command i think...)