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Problem with Key Protected Channel

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Problem with Key Protected Channel

Post by revned »

My hub bot seem to have problems giving channel keys to the leaf bots when none of the bots in the botnet are present in that channel. Did I miss a configuration within netbots.tcl? I mean the key request works when atleast one bot is present in that private channel but when none is present, they seem to have forgotten the key.
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Post by ppslim »

It's not that the bot has forgotten the key, it's that it doesn't know it, because it isn't ont eh channel.

All real-time channel data, is stored in memory, only while on the channel, and deleted once left.

The only way for thigs like botnetops to function correctly, is if at least one bot that can send a reply, is on the channel.

Post by revned »

Thanks for the info.
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

in the case the key wont change often i'd suggest to add the +k to the chamode onforcing, this way the bot will automatically supply the password to the server even without any bot connected :).

Post by revned »

yah i'll use that option thanks