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Egg devoices and unbans everyone

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Egg devoices and unbans everyone

Post by Elminster »

Hello There, i´m a Noob with Eggdrop and it would be great, if u would remember that in your answer ... means ... please give me exact and detailed Informations :D .

I´ve start to configure Eggdrop 1 week ago and got it working on 2 different channels ... added some scripts which are working fine too, but there are following Problems: (Info: i am not the Owner of these Channels)

1. If an Chan OP gives someone Voice ... my egg devoices the same person ... and if an OP bans someone ... the Egg unbans him ( and thats nothing funny, so they´ve almost killed me ;) ) I am the only one, which can give Voices without devoicing of the Egg. How (and where) can i change, that the Egg respect the settings, which an channel OP sets? I don´t need that the Egg gives op or voice or smtg like that .. just let it the Chan Ops do it ... but it should stop devoicing and deoping or unban.

2. i´ve also included an 8ball script, which works fine ... but only in one channel ... in the other channel ( which the Egg is in on the same time ) it doesn´t react on requests :( Weird

I hope you can help me cause without solving the first Probelm, they won´t let me use my Egg :D



P.S.: I´ve read the first 5 pages of this forum and didn´t found any Infos shich could match my Problem.
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Post by ppslim »

1: Remove the +bitch channel setting, with ".chanset #channel -bitch".

This will only allow users inside the userfile, with the correct flags, to gains channel modes.

2: This can only be a setting inside the script preventing this.

I sugest going over it again, making sure to follow any instructions, regarding how you format the setting on which channels it should be used in.
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Post by Freeman »

2. Yes it culd be config in the tcl script. You may need to set the additional channels in it.

And check to see if the tcl script support multiple Channels at all.

Post by Elminster »

Thx for your help to 1. .. haven´t tried it yet but will do right now :) .

To 2. Yes, i´ve added the other channel to the .tcl and also just tried one Channel. Lets call the non-working channel "A" and the working "B".
I´ve added just A into the .tcl ... nothing happens. Added just B to the .tcl ... works all fine. Added first B into the List then A ... B works fine ... not A. Chnged it ... added first A then B ... B keeps still working ... and A keeps sleeping.

That´s the reason why i don´t guess, that it is the .tcl ... that´s what´s make it so weird. I hoped that there´s a Channel setting which should to be removed or smtg like that. By the Way .. both Channels are on the same server ... just different Chan names.

As a next step i wanna to try to build in a FUNNY Greeting .tcl for joining people. Is there one, which you prefer?

Many Thanks for your patience and help :)



P.S.: I´m using the 8Ball Script by Extinctor called 8ball1.4.0.tcl . It is a german one. Probably that will help to find a solution for me *g

P.P.S.: My first Problem seems to besolved ... but only seemed to be ... cause it still doesn´t accept now commands from one person and tries to kick him.
(11:13:41) (tWl) [11:13] #twillight-intern: mode change '+v Sebi|[nA]' by FreyjoZ!
(11:13:41) (tWl) [11:13] Modewechsel von nicht-op auf #twillight-intern! Mache das wieder rueckgaengig...
(11:13:43) (tWl) [11:13] -NOTICE- *** You cannot kick FreyjoZ from #twillight-intern because FreyjoZ is protected (+a)
(11:13:43) (tWl) [11:13] #twillight-intern: mode change '-v Sebi|[nA]' by tWl!tWlkjD@global-

It says he´s a non-op ... but he is .... :( I´m getting headache *g

(Elminster) .chanset #twillight need-op 0
(tWl) Due to security concerns, only permanent owners can set these modes.
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Post by arcane »

for 2: you dont have to set any channels. it says notlkchans.

Post by Elminster »

arcane wrote:for 2: you dont have to set any channels. it says notlkchans.
I removed the Channels and it still works in Channel B ... so u was right ... but it still doesn´t work in Channel A . There must be a Channel setting which prevents that .. i don´t know. Another Member had also a working Bot and brought it into the Channel. Same Result ... his 8ball won´t work in that Channel ... Weird thing. So if it must changed smtg somewhere in the channel i guess.

Thanks a lot for ur help and one short Question: How can i tell the bot not to request OP (to solve the prob with unbaning people)? Tried to set need-op to 0 ... it works fine, but now he´s crying:
[00:36] Tcl error in script for 'need-op':
[00:36] invalid command name "0"

