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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Blackpool, UK

Post by Petersen »

To all you eggdrop developers out there, I have a suggestion. Wondering why sometimes my bots failed to share some stuff correctly even when hub thought that the userfile transfer was successful, I did a little investigation. Apparently, when override-bots is set to 1, the bot first sends the userfile as normal, but then sends all the botrecords accross the botlink. Why can't they just be all included in the userfile, which would mean it would benifit from the compress module, and also be subject to the timeout of the userfile send (as the send of the records accross the botnet had no timeout, which was why sometimes my bots never completed the full sharing protocol initialisation). Could someone inform eggdev, or patch this, or both :razz: