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Userline commands help

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Posts: 17
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Userline commands help

Post by scr0llwheel »

Ok, first and foremost, how do I configure the bot to wait, lets say, 5 minutes before displaying a user's info if they continuously join/part. For example, you join the channel at 10:00 and it shows your info. Then you join/part at 10:02 but the info shouldn't be shown because it was shown less than 5 minutes ago. But when you join/part at 10:06 it will show your info then because the last display of it was more than 5 minutes ago. Now I know the .set info <infoline> command but I'm trying to figure out what .set wait-info does but I'm not understanding it.

First of all, is it in seconds or minutes?
Secondly, does that do what I want it to do or does it just wait until it dispalys a userinfo line in the channel after someone joins (like aop-delay). This doesn't seem to be the case, though, because when I set it higher than about 5, it's not correct. (Probably the lag on the bot)

Basically, I'm asking if there is a command that does what I want and what that command is. Also, what .set wait-info does? :)

Thanks and please excuse the awful grammar/spelling,
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Post by ppslim »

The wait-info setting is documented in the config file.

It is the time from the user parting or quiting, to the next time the bot sees him.

Not from the last time the info was displayed.