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"home" channel

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"home" channel

Post by MasterJM »

hi one question,

the very 1st chan a egg join after starting with -m
seems to be some kind of "home" channel.

all commands for channel works without adding the chan to the command

like .say .chanifo or so -

and the egg tells about all modes in this chan on the partyline

how can i change this chan

can i have more than one "home" chan?

Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

This is called the console channel.

You can change which channel is used as default, using the ".console" command, which will aiditionaly allow you to change what you see from your console channel.

You can't have more than one channels as the console, however, you can set it to "*", but commands like ".say" will not work.