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Special Char problems.

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 64
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Special Char problems.

Post by spyda »

Lame as much as it is.. I have been working on a like chan TCL for over botnet. linking two channels on different networks..

I am having problems with TCL exp. ({}[]) coming over the network msg.

Network 1.

[23:09] <Kissmine> testing
[23:09] <Kissmine> {} []

Network 2.

[23:09] <Asustek> Kissmine testing
[23:09] <Asustek> Kissmine {} {[]}
That is my first question. The other one is about the nick. (it only does it on {}) But comes up with another error!
[23:11] *** Kissmine is now known as {}kissmine
[23:11] <{}kissmine> test

[23:11] <Asustek> [23:25] Tcl error [asus:link:channel]: list element in braces followed by "kissmine" instead of space
Thanx for any help that anyone can give me

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Post by ppslim »

Please see the thread regarding Tcl lists in FAQ forum.