im making a module that will store all data in mysql then load it locally when bot is started, where can i find stuff on user and chan data? such as how it stores it, and other commands like that
User info is stored in the user file, channel data is stored in the channel file. Look in src/user*.c for user info, and the channel module for channel info.
Perhaps the best way to do it would be to have a blank user/channel file, and then when the bot starts and the module is loaded, you add all the users from there. Same with channels.
If anyone would like to help with the development of the next ClanBots version which includes this module I am making, please contact me
pfft thats easy
cd eggdrop/src
grep -ri "fprintf" *
everything but the notes.mod output it used for chanfile/userfile writing.
and comment out all the places it reads in userfile and chanfile
and backup functions.
I just made my botpack leaf not use any files at all, or save.. so i know exactly where to make the code changes, but i have no interest in making or really helping you with this, except for what i have already offered.