I want it to allow anybody to be able to do ctcps on my bot (e.g. version, finger). But after even i had .die and load the bot back, it still does not allow anybody, except me to do ctcps on the bot itself.
What should i do so the bot will allow anybody to do ctcps on it?
Yes, i even did a .die and ./eggdrop the bot again! well... i really do thing theres bug or something... are there any errors down here?
##### LOG FILES #####
set max-logs 5
set max-logsize 10000
set quick-logs 1
logfile mco * "logs/sop.log"
logfile jpkbm #JingYou "logs/jingyou.log"
set log-time 1
set keep-all-logs 1
set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y"
set switch-logfiles-at 2400
set quiet-save 0
set console "kbs"
and ...
##### CTCP MODULE #####
loadmodule ctcp
set ctcp-mode 2