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2 botnets

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: germany

2 botnets

Post by MasterJM »


i have a question:

i have a little botnet with 3 eggs (1 hub 2 "client" eggs)
the hub is +gs and the 2 clients +ghp.

a friend of me has also some eggs (in a botnet).

we want link these eggdrops to protect only 1 channel.

but i want only to link no to share between the other eggs.

i this possible?

what is to do .. only add the eggs to eath other?
(.+ bot ...) und then .link ? )


a little secound question

my botnet hub +gs clients +ghp

if i add a user in one of the 2 clients - they dont share it to the hub right?
only if i add this user to the hub - the hub donates it to the 2 clients - is this right?

thx :)
Posts: 70
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2002 6:23 am
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by gk^ »

dont use the g p and s flags thou these are for sharing.
Posts: 319
Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:40 pm

Post by spock »

and in response to your second question:
# [0/1] when sharing user lists, DON'T ACCEPT global flag changes from other bots?
# NOTE: the bot will still send changes made on the bot, it just wont accept
# any global flag changes from other bots
#set private-global 0

# when sharing user lists, if private-global isn't set, which global flag
# changes from other bots should be ignored ?
#set private-globals "mnot"

# [0/1] when sharing user lists, DON'T ACCEPT any userfile changes from other
# bots?
# NOTE: paranoid people should use this feature on their hub bot - this
# will force all +host/+user/chpass/etc. changes to be made via the hub
#set private-user 0