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...has me i-lined

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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:16 pm

...has me i-lined

Post by meks »

hi there!

im running into a problem right now....
i set up epona irc services 1.4.14 a few days ago but made some mistakes setting up the u-line for the services correctly.

well - i solved it recently.
BUT since the u-lines and the services are working perfect, the eggdrop (latest release) won't work at all.

the bot is connecting and a few seconds later it's disconnecting...without any actions taken (e.g. he's not joining channels, ...).
when i have a look to the eggdrop-log theres only one single line:

...has me i-lined (jumping).
theres no module-load- or database-stuff written to the log, just this single line.

when the bot continues his job, he is connecting and disconnecting every 30 seconds....until i kill the pid.

the main problem is that if i kill the irc services (epona) the bot does his work without any failure. he connects, joins and ops me :)
as soon as i start the services - the bot leaves. same problem again.

my i-line is set like the following:
the class 1 for this i-line is defined for 500 users...and every user may connect. no exceptions and no bans. as you can see above.....

...therefore....PLEASE HELP ME :-)

thanks in advance...meks
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:16 pm

Post by meks »


this problem occurs only when the bot tries to identify itself with nickserv.
as soon as i type .msg nickserv identify botpass the bot reconnects - without a reply from nickserv. the message before leaving the channel is
i-lines suck...

...absolutely no idea (!)

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:16 pm

Post by meks »

well - i solved it.
the net-type was set to 1 instead to dalnet (dont remember the value, think 3 or so).

thanks anyway :-)
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Post by ReaLz »

hahaha... so everyone here if you want to ask something,
think it 3 times before you post or you will post 3 posts and you will solve your problem alone :P
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