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Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2003 6:12 pm


Post by forever79 »

1.) my bot isnt unban to any ban
my spam tcl is:

bind msgm - * pv_kick

proc pv_kick {nick uhost hand text} {
global botnick spambantime

## i think u dont need to change anything below
## the bot will kickban if someone private message bot said words with "#" , "join" ,"channel" .etc
## if u want change please make sure you cannot put "*words*" . "*" or "?" will make the tcl didn`t work

if {[regexp -nocase "" $text] > 0} {
foreach kickchan [channels] {
if {![isop $nick $kickchan] || ![isvoice $nick $kickchan]} {
if {[onchan $nick $kickchan]} {
set bmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
if {![ischanban $bmask $kickchan] || [botisop $kickchan]} {
set kickmsg "\00312\002\037Cause\037:\002 Mass-Msg/Invite/Adv/Trojan Send\00312"
putquick "KICK $kickchan $nick :$kickmsg"
putquick "mode $kickchan +b $bmask $spambantime"

which command i put the blank?
ex: timer 10 putquick "mode $kickchan -b $bmask $spambantime"
but this is not working....

please help

2.) my bot isnt unban expire any bans,
my eggdrop.conf is:

loadmodule channels
set chanfile "cirkinBOT.chan"
set force-expire 1
set share-greet 0
set use-info 1

set global-flood-chan 10:60
set global-flood-deop 3:10
set global-flood-kick 3:10
set global-flood-join 5:60
set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
set global-flood-nick 5:60
set global-aop-delay 5:30
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "ntdSqc"
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 1
set global-ban-time 30
set global-exempt-time 30
set global-invite-time 60

set global-chanset {
-autoop -autovoice
-bitch +cycle
+dontkickops +dynamicbans
+dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
+enforcebans +greet
-inactive -nodesynch
-protectfriends +protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret -seen
+shared +statuslog
+userbans +userexempts
+userinvites -protecthalfops

channel add #ayna {
chanmode "+fntcdqS-ikps 3:1"
idle-kick 0
ban-time 10
exempt-time 10
flood-chan 4:3
flood-join 5:8
flood-ctcp 3:60
flood-deop 5:10
flood-kick 7:10
need-op { putserv "chanserv op #ayna $botnick" }
need-unban { putserv "chanserv unban #ayna $botnick" }

channel set #ayna -autoop -autovoice -bitch +cycle +dontkickops +dynamicbans +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
channel set #ayna +enforcebans +greet -inactive -nodesynch -protectfriends +protectops -revenge -revengebot
channel set #ayna -secret -seen +shared +statuslog +userbans +userexempts +userinvites -protecthalfops -autohalfop

loadmodule server
set net-type 5
set init-server { putserv "MODE $botnick +i-ws" }
set keep-nick 1
set strict-host 0
set quiet-reject 1
set lowercase-ctcp 0
set answer-ctcp 3
set flood-msg 5:60
set flood-ctcp 3:60
set never-give-up 1
set strict-servernames 0
set server-cycle-wait 60
set server-timeout 60
set servlimit 0
set check-stoned 1
set use-console-r 0
set debug-output 0
set serverror-quit 1
set max-queue-msg 300
set trigger-on-ignore 0
set double-mode 0
set double-server 0
set double-help 0
set optimize-kicks 1
set stack-limit 4
### SERVER MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###
#set check-mode-r 1
#set nick-len 9
#### CTCP MODULE ####
loadmodule ctcp
set ctcp-mode 0
### IRC MODULE ####
loadmodule irc
set bounce-bans 1
set bounce-modes 0
set max-bans 60
set max-modes 30
set kick-fun 1
set ban-fun 0
set learn-users 0
set wait-split 600
set wait-info 180
set mode-buf-length 200
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
set no-chanrec-info 0
### IRC MODULE - IRCnet SPECIFIC FEATURES (net-type 1) ###
set bounce-exempts 0
set bounce-invites 0
set max-exempts 20
set max-invites 20
#set use-exempts 0
#set use-invites 0
set prevent-mixing 1
### IRC MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###
set kick-method 1
set modes-per-line 6
#set include-lk 1
#set use-354 0
#set rfc-compliant 1
#loadmodule transfer
set max-dloads 3
set dcc-block 1024
set copy-to-tmp 1
set xfer-timeout 30
#### SHARE MODULE ####
#loadmodule share
#set allow-resync 0
#set resync-time 900
#set private-global 0
#set private-globals "mnot"
#set private-user 0
#set override-bots 0

##### SCRIPTS #####

source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/noadvertiseonme.tcl
source scripts/mc.spamcheck.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

Check the tcl-commands.doc file for "newchanban" and use it.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.