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Inappropriate error message

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by ClubCX »

I may have missed some vital documentation on this, but let's see.

The owner of a certain IRC network has told me that unless I remove the message "You have a ****ed up server" from my bots, they will be unwelcome on the network. We checked on some search engines and found that the message is part of eggdrop's core.english.lang. I've tried changing the message and reloading that language file, but then the bot comes up with a series of errors, specifically,

Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 50.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 126.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 259.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 260.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 261.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 262.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 263.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 264.
Malformed text line in ./language/core.english.lang at 265.

Any advise on how I might go about editing the language file would be welcome. Thanks.

- Tom
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Post by Petersen »

Edit it in vi, or emacs or pico, or any other unix editor. Don't use windows.
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Post by ppslim »

This all depends on the software you changed the files with.

Here is the reason it is sent
/* Usually if we get this then we really messed up somewhere
* or this is a non-standard server, so we log it and kill the socket
* hoping the next server will work :smile: -poptix
Use edit the line in the core.english.lang file with an editor like vi. This should solve the problem.

Windows editors are no good, as they do not hadnle unix files properly.
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Post by RedAlert »

In addition to using a *NIX editor, you could also 1) upload your edited file using ASCII mode in ftp, or 2) use the "dos2unix" tool that comes with alot of UNIX and Linux distributions nowadays. Then you can use your favorite windows editor afterall :wink:
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Post by Yourname »

You can use editplus while on windows. It works good.
Dormant egghead.
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Post by guppy »

I just removed this error message from eggdrop1.6.7 also .. I thought we had removed it awhile ago .. I guess I was wrong