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First Owner Password

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First Owner Password

Post by Wolfe »

I know this is going to be another stupid mistake on my part so I'll say sorry now....

I am running eggdrop 1.6.15 on a linux (redhat, 550r, pent 3, 'nough ram etc)

Configure, make install etc goes ok...

all scripts, settings, flags, etc ok...

/msg botnick hello... ok

/msg botnick pass somepassword... nothing

as a result cann't DCC the bot, cann't telnet, cann't partyline etc etc...

Note: this is not threw a router nat firewall or anything, direct dsl ip connection, still nothing

It also appears that anyone esle (users) ends up in the same position, bot never gets the passwords, doesn't write user files...

One last note... when I as owner sends the first "hello" it does send me a message that I am owner, so that part works anyway, it isn't a wrong host or nick thing at least.
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Post by stdragon »

Try telnetting to the bot. You enter "new" as your username, then it asks you for your handle and password. If that still doesn't work, start eggdrop with the -nt options. Then watch the console and see if any weird messages happen when you do the msg commands.