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my tcl script adds users on every split :|

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my tcl script adds users on every split :|

Post by FIDe` »

Hi all,
I have written a tcl script that makes a simple function: if someone changes the +l on a chan or removes it, he gets +d and kicked ; and if he's not added on the botnet, he's added with +d flags.
But there's a problem: on every split, the bot adds an user with +d flag, like:
(bot): | *!irc.cs.
(bot): | *!irc.cs.
(bot): | *!irc.cs.
(bot): | *!
(bot): | *!
(bot): | *!

here's a proc:

Code: Select all

proc remove_limit_mode {nick uhost hand chan mode victim} {

global lamorhand fidenet hubbot

 if {$mode == "-l" && ![string match "*.*" $nick]} {
  if {!(([matchattr $hand +o]) && ([matchattr $hand +b] || [matchattr $hand +n] || [matchattr $hand +b]))} {
  if {[lsearch -exact [ channel info $chan ] "+noremovelimit" ] == -1} {return 0}
   if {[isbotnetnick $hubbot]} {
   dccbroadcast "MODIFICA NON AUTORIZZATA DEL LIMITE SU $chan DA PARTE DI $nick!$uhost ($lamorhand)"
   set lamorhand [nick2hand $nick]
   if {![validuser $lamorhand]} {
   adduser $nick *!$uhost
   chattr $nick |-ofmn $chan
   chattr $nick |+dk $chan
   chattr $lamorhand |+dk $chan
   putquick "MODE $chan -o+b+l $nick *!*$uhost 1"
   putquick "KICK $chan $nick :no no,lame!"
I was thinking that
if {$mode == "-l" && ![string match "*.*" $nick]} {
was a good way to block such behaviour... but it doesn't worked.
Any help?
thanks all
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Post by slennox »

I'm not sure why your string match wouldn't work if the server name has a "." in it, but try "[onchan $nick $chan]" instead and see if that works.