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stats.mod doesn't save stats to file any more

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De Kus
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stats.mod doesn't save stats to file any more

Post by De Kus »

my Problem is simple, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3dev1 work well (also 1.40dev20 with small codecut to supress hangup on !top 10 modes or similar), but they simply dont want to save the stats any more. first i thought it would be a problem in 1.3.3dev1 but it seems it isn't so. then i tried to solve the problem not to compile the bot static. all ends in the same. i can remember i had similar problems using windrop and I really don't know what it could be.

hmm, i am really clever, i didn't look after my second installation with only diffrenzes in compilation is the nicklength (set to 30 because of linking to an angelbot) and a few diffrenzes in the config files. but i compared the stats config file of both, but there are all the same exept the smilies (but the bot saving has more smilies @_o) and of course the livestats port :D.

after it didnt make a statsmod.dat (yes, the two bots are running in diffrent directories) i manually added one and checked for 600 flags, but useless.
there are also no error messages when doing '.savestats'. i am really puzzled.
here the 2 livestat ports, perhaps it'll help

has anyone one more idea to check?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

*grmbl, grrr*
who would have thought a scriptor of a famos script (moxquizz) would use a variable like statsfile... just changed this variable in script and voila @_o