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PM owner Logfile entrees

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PM owner Logfile entrees

Post by Dedan »

Like most people, to DCC chat or Telent to the bot requires
another connection and dropping firewalls.

What i want is the Logfile entrees to be msg to me.
The entrees i want are flagged m and o

I can not find a bind that would hold the info i want to msg me.

I have download several .gz files from this site,
but none seem to have anything close to what i want.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Logfile flags:
m - private msgs, notices and ctcps to the bot
o - misc info, errors, etc (IMPORTANT STUFF)

Code: Select all

proc Logfile:entrees {} {

   set log_msg ?
   puthelp "PRIVMSG $owner : $log_msg"

thanks for any help given
I once was an intelligent young man, now i am old and i can not remember who i was.
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:50 pm

Post by rolandguy »

hmmm....interesting way to go about things...

for +m messages, you could do binds for those, not a big deal...+o log entries tho...don't think there's any way to do it :/

however ;) you could probably fake it :)

have you considered having the bot DCC into itself using a putserv request, and listening to the port for it's own connection? with listen, you can have all events (console messages) on that socket controlled by a script....which would then PRIVMSG you the text :)
proc do_connect {} {
global loopidx
listen 6661 script listen:grab
putquick "PRIVMSG $botnick :\1DCC CHAT chat 6001\1"

proc listen:grab {newidx} {
control $newidx myecho_script
listen 6661 off

proc myecho_script {idx arg} {
if {$arg == "Enter your password."} {
putdcc $idx "password"; putdcc ".console +mo"
putserv "PRIVMSG yournick :$arg"
not positive that the bot will let you do the loopback, but not seeing any reason for it...I know it works for creating a dcc connection to a services prog (operserv)...
