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Post by Clipped »

I thought I would give my opinion on my experience with Sharpnet.

I had this account for a year less 4 days :)..Overall it was a fairly decent shell. The uptime was good.It was a bit lagged at times but not overly. Its a good choice if you want an inexpensive shell account that offers alot of background procs for the money. Customer service was alright but could use some improvement... The only problem I ever had was trying to get a login change..I paid the 3.00 bucks but it never happened even after I sent a few emails..hehe o well no biggie... What I did get a kick out of was how fast they closed my account when I was sent the online bill to renew the account..I replied please close this account..The account sure was closed even though I think I had 4 days left on the account...

OverAll I give it a 7 out of 10..

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Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2002 10:15 pm


Post by Sharpnet »

Thanks for your comments and we appreciate your business.

I can refund the $3 charge if it's a problem. Do you happen to have the ticket # for the request?

Thanks again,
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..
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Post by Bytez »

The prices are definitely a good bang for your buck. Any other users out there with sharpnet? I'm currently on my 15 day trial with

How many vhosts does the the ecoegg and basicegg provide for free? Also, I read that sharpnet uses a firewall.. does that mean we can't dcc chat the botnick and/or telnet to it? Thanks.
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Post by Clipped »

Nah thats ok. It was a request made a long time ago..I think it was within the first few months of abtainng the shell..I ddint pursue it then real need to now :)

I appreciate the offer though :)

You can still dcc chat the bot regardless of the firewall :)
The have a selection of vhost's with the shells..More then most ppl would need..ALthough they should go through the list as some ips no longer work.. ie This vhost is not on this server ;)

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Post by Sharpnet »


What provider did you switch to if you don't mind me asking?
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..
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Post by Clipped »

Actually I never really switched...
I currently have accounts at Lomag and Risingnet
I was going to drop one of the egg accounts as I have no use for that many eggs any longer.

Your account came up as due first so I ddint actually switch to another shell provider due to problems or anything....I just ddint need all those procs any longer..If you notice all ive ran from your account recently was 1 eggdrop ;) and a bnc off and on.

PS: My email still works :) heh..Might want to make sure its closed ;)



Post by Zero4Zero »

Just reading along and saw a few comments on sharpent. Just to put in my two cents, i signed up for a year contract with them, and their hosting was in the range from good to great usually. Their servers had very good uptime, and only rarely did i have a problem.

I got nervous a few times when their website went down, but their account servers always stayed online.

What I liked the most, was when I decided to grow my network and buy a dedicated server, they allowed me to end my contract 3 months early without a penalty. I think that goes above and beyond what most large companies would do for their customers. I would suggest using sharpnet to host a starting out IRCd to see if you have what it takes to create a community. If I decide that I need another leaf for my network, I know that Sharpnet would be my first choice.