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help using chatstats.tcl with an windrop

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help using chatstats.tcl with an windrop

Post by bozo »

i have downloaded CHATstats.tcl from this site , but i receive an error message from my bot (windrop running on my pc , with a windows 98se)
when it's try to use the ftp to upload the html generated by the tcl ...
set cs(ftperror) [catch {set cs(ftpclient) [exec which ftp]}]; set cs(rehash) 1
if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /usr/bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/usr/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror) && [info commands auto_execok] != ""} {
set cs(ftpclient) [auto_execok ftp]
if {$cs(ftpclient) != ""} {set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror)} {putlog " Cannot find FTP client."}
this is a part of the tcl reffering to ftp , how i change it to use the ftp in windows? i tryed to put ftp.exe at the dir of windrop but it was not usefull

here is the another line of the tcl
2 {set ftperror [catch {
set ftpid [open "|$cs(ftpclient) -n $cs(ftpname) $cs(ftpport)" w]
puts $ftpid "user $cs(username) $cs(password)"
foreach a $ullist {
if {[file exists $a]} {
puts $ftpid "put $a $cs(ftpfolder)[lindex [split $a "/"] end]"
} else {putlog "CHATstats: Skipped uploading $a, file not found."}
puts $ftpid "quit"
close $ftpid
if {$ftperror} {putlog "CHATstats: An error occured while trying to use FTP."}
foreach a $ullist {file delete -force $a}
actually the msg i receive from the bot is "CHATstats: An error occured while trying to use FTP"

someone help me to edit this to use this tcl in my windows?

the chatstats.tcl is avaiable on ... oad&id=542

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Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:11 am

Post by TeDDyBeeR »

Maybe the scritp it only writen for Eggdrops and not for Windrops : but....

You can try to change the dirnames in the the folowing code you send :

Code: Select all

set cs(ftperror) [catch {set cs(ftpclient) [exec which ftp]}]; set cs(rehash) 1
if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /usr/bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/usr/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror) && [info commands auto_execok] != ""} {
set cs(ftpclient) [auto_execok ftp]
if {$cs(ftpclient) != ""} {set cs(ftperror) 0}
if {$cs(ftperror)} {putlog " Cannot find FTP client."}
instead of /bin/ftp you set ftp/ftp.exe (then the FTP.exe must be in <drive>:\windrop\ftp) or /windows/ftp.exe ((?) then the file ftp.exe must be in the windows directory)

it's an idea, i'm not sure of it... i have worked with windrops years ago :)
