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Confused (special character problem)

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Confused (special character problem)

Post by kain »

The code below adds peoples channel flags by public command,
but if someone has a special character in their nick
it doesn't always recognise them, I can't really see whats wrong
here, but maybe I've been looking at it for too long.

Code: Select all

proc adduserproc { nick address handle chan text } {
	global priv lbn hub home group private
	set ichan [string tolower $chan]
	set pri private($ichan)
	set type [string tolower [lindex $text 0]]
	set usernick [lindex $text 1]
	set user [nick2hand $usernick]
	if {[onchan $usernick $chan]} {
		if {[nick2hand [lindex $text 1]] == 0 } {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is not on $chan. or I can't recognise that user."
			return 0
		if {[validuser [nick2hand $user]] == 0 } {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is not on $chan. or I can't recognise that user."
			return 0
		if {[matchattr $user L] == 0 } {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :I know $usernick, but $usernick isn't authed."
			return 0
	if {![onchan $usernick $chan]} {
		set user $usernick
### Channel
	if {$type == "owner" && [matchattr $handle m]} {
		chattr $user |+nmofgv $chan
		putserv "MODE $chan +v $usernick"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is now a channel $type for $chan!"
		if {[info exists $pri] && [channel get $chan private]} {
		if {$private(${ichan}) != "" } {
		putserv "INVITE $usernick :$private(${ichan})"
	if {$type == "master" && [matchattr $handle m|n $chan]} {
		chattr $user |+mofgv-n $chan
		putserv "MODE $chan +v $usernick"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is now a channel $type for $chan!"
		if {[info exists $pri] && [channel get $chan private]} {
		if {$private(${ichan}) != "" } {
		putserv "INVITE $usernick :$private(${ichan})"
	if {$type == "op"} {
		chattr $user |+ofgv-nm $chan
		putserv "MODE $chan +v $usernick"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is now a channel $type for $chan!"
		if {[info exists $pri] && [channel get $chan private]} {
		if {$private(${ichan}) != "" } {
		putserv "INVITE $usernick :$private(${ichan})"
	if {$type == "voice"} {
		chattr $user |+fv-nmo $chan
		putserv "MODE $chan +v $usernick "
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$usernick is now a channel $type for $chan!"
The problem is probably in the top part of the code, rather than
where the flags are actually added and invites made.
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Re: Confused (special character problem)

Post by arcane »

Code: Select all

set type [string tolower [lindex $text 0]]
set usernick [lindex $text 1]
you are using list commands on strings. use this instead:

Code: Select all

set type [string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]]
set usernick [lindex [split $text] 1]
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Post by caesar »

or even

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set text [split $text]
and voila, no need to change anything :)
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Post by kain »

Thanks for the response both, nice to see caesar is still spamming around :)
arcane I've tried what you said and it still spits out the same error
<kain> add op user-
<bot> user- is not on the channel or I can't recognise that user.
but if I;
<kain> add op user
<bot> user is now a channel op for #channel!
for example, the 'user-'s handle is 'user' but when trying it with a -
in the nick it doesn't work, but 'user'/handle does.
its also not sending out an invite unless the user drops the special
character from their nick, but the invite thing is something else altogether.
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Post by arcane »

you'd have to change the [lindex $text] everywhere. but caesar's way is easier. just put a "set text [split $text]" at the beginning of your proc and all should be fine.
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Post by kain »

Just tried that, still comes back with the same problem though,
I also added the 'set text [split $text] bellow, and that didn't work either.

Code: Select all

proc pub:add { nick address handle chan text } {
	global lbn hub home priv
	set text [split $text]
	if {[matchattr $handle L]} {
		if {[ishub $chan] == 1 } {
			adduserproc $nick $address $handle $chan $text
Don't know if looking at that might help.
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Post by caesar »

Then it might be the way he places the masks for the users. Do a whois on a user with a "special" char that is not working and see if it's added with nick also.
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Post by kain »

no, thats not it, just lists the nick as normal no extra characters,
this only happens when they lose their nick and add a - at the end
or something like that, if their handle had the - in it wouldnt be a problem
but i dont want to go round changing peoples handles every 5 minutes
or have to write something that will, just to acomodate this code.
apart from that i cant think :/
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Post by caesar »

I mean if he dose have an hostmask like Nick!*@* or something similar with Nick! in it? Where "Nick" is the actual nick of the person.
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Post by kain »

I've tried it myself, for example 'kain!'
or even 'kain*!*'
If I change my nick to 'kain-' rather than 'kain',
it gives me the same error, yet works on 'kain'
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Post by caesar »

You do have the 'kain!' host on IRC?
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Post by kain »

I used that as an example to show what my hosts look like,
except they are not, I use k@in,
so it would be 'kain!k@in' and 'kain*!*k@in'