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Post by kalaaaa »

What do you think about ushells shell accounds guys?

Post by EcoSpliff »

Never heard of them, what do they offer and for how much? Don't be sucked in to the "too-good-to-be-true" ones, because quite often they are just that.
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Post by z_one »

You're right and sorry to say, I've tried Ushells and they suck. I used to get disc. along with my bot many times a day. When my bnc went down, it took them 1 week to restart it ! The excuse was that they were getting a lot of DoS attacks.

Sorry to say, there are many other shell providers out there that are subjected to the same kind of attacks and they handle them perfectly. I know DoS attacks are hard to stop but there's something called ICMP and UDP packet filtering that admins at Ushells don't seem to have heard about.

Nothing personal here. Just my personal experience with Ushells. He asked and I am answering :smile:
For those who don't believe me, sorry for being negative about it but perhaps u should give it a try to see for urself.

Post by EcoSpliff »

I wouldn't doubt what you said for a second. Its hard for customers to see what the service is like before they have handed over the cash. Companies all to often make you pay months in advance (or make you pay a set-up fee), meaning its difficult for you to cancel once you have signed up. The service may remain good for a while, but soon deteriorates. I found a nice cheap shell, with minimal users. It seems ok so far, i'll keep you posted on how long that will be for though.

Post by Jigy »

Dear z_one.
Thanks for your extremely nice discreption you are gave us. Earlier this year infact after the new years eve exactly we had a down time of 20 days due to major changes happenning. This was our Down time reason which occured.
Now concerning DDoS which we had experience with like any other Shell Services and maybe more. Seems like you know sh*t concerning traffic filtering and DDoS activities. First of all if you care to check if we even *ALLOW* ICMP packets to our servers 2nd Concerning UDP ALL our UDP non-used ports are closed. Third if you do not know DDoS do not come from one specific IP in example this Small attack on one of our hosts:
Although we are on a 100Mbps connectivity through multi-oc from we find difficulties sometimes filtering them.
And yes alot are giving it a try now holding more than 500 happy customers.
Funk is * Funk_Soul_Brother
Funk on @#ushells
Funk using Atlanta.GA.US.ChatNet.Org Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
Funk has been idle 417hrs 36mins 28secs, signed on Tue Apr 02 17:13:07

This might show to you how stable our connectivity is.
B-1 uptime:1:32AM up 19 days, 2:32, 5 users, load averages: 0.25, 0.27, 0.23
B-2 uptime: 11:55PM up 50 days, 22:18, 10 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01
This is our uptime showing you probably how rock solid are.

People like you trying to look wise giving there opinion and there solution to some problems makes this business look bad.

"When my bnc went down, it took them 1 week to restart it !" Your bnc ?? us restarting it ? it's your job not ours to do so.

Have a nice day.
Osama Timrawi
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Post by z_one »

Dear Jiggy,

I have a few points to point out, when you make sure they are solved and sorted then we may continue our discussion.

1- I know more about DoS attacks than you may think. I was a customer with you and I have many friends who still are, their bncs and eggdrops still go offline EVERY DAY many times and sometimes for many hours.
Even if , as you say, you're filtering all ICMP and unused UDP ports.

2- Ppl like me make this business look good because we say the truth and thus we help customers make the best choice for their money. It is not my problem if you can't hold back or counter-attack DoS attacks as fast as other bnc companies on the market.

3- My account type was one that only allowed me to connect to my bnc. I didn't have SSH access to restart my processes. When I joined your support channel I was surprised by the attitude of support ppl there, who didn't even answer and when they did, they couldn't even give a decent answer as to when normal services will be back online!

If you read back my reply it said "Nothing personal here. Just my personal experience with Ushells".

So until issues like that are cleared out, I think it's better you keep your aggressive remarks off this forum, we are all here to strive for the best, not to whine over issues we cannot solve. Talking is one thing, acting and proving words by facts is another! Which one do you choose?


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: z_one on 2002-04-20 03:59 ]</font>
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Post by Petersen »

regarding the ddos issue I have some points to make (note that I do not know anything about this specific shell provider). All the packet filtering in the world won't stop a determined ddos attack. Firstly, the most effective ones are tcp syn attacks, so udp and icmp filtering won't do jack. Secondly if someone was sending, lets say 500mbit of packets down their 100mbit pipe, then only their peer(s) can actually do the filtering (and getting bw providers to actually add any filters to their oc3/oc12 routers is a big task). Personally I've seen ddos attacks so well spoofed, that the only way to stop them was to drop whole /8 subnets (ie, class A addresses) at an upstream router. That in itself is very bad, because you can guarantee that if you're dropping 1/256 of the internet, you're gonna end up dropping some ips your customers use. Packet kiddies always have more bandwidth than you can filter in the end (I've heard of 10gbit ddos attacks - enough to fill up like 15 oc12s). Some of them can actually drop entire datacentres offline if they put their mind to it, so dont assume that a simple set of access control rules is gonna solve the problem.

Post by Jigy »

You are the 1st customer I see with this kind of issues which I've never heard of.
1st of all, ALL customers has SSH2 access to there accounts claiming that you don't means either your BNC or what ever being used is traded or stolen. Or your SSH access has been denied for mis-behaviour. Go Offline everyday ? heh correct your information be4 you even start bluffing. I gave a live proof of our stability you decide to reject that.
The only one who is talking without proofs and out of reality over here is You! I find it normal to have a lamer pissed in a way or another from us. But I find it rediculas trying to look wise with information non-sense such as z_one's.
3- My account type was one that only allowed me to connect to my bnc. I didn't have SSH access to restart my processes.
We don't even have 1 SINGLE account package that doesn't come with SSH access.

USHELLS support channels on all major IRC networks (DALnet/UNDERnet/EFnet/Chatnet/ArabChat/USHELLS) are all Linked via Relaying Bots to make sure *all* customers are assisted no matter what 24/7.

Thank you Peterson for your explanation for z_one hope he'll try understanding it.

By the way z_one we have 3 Major IRC servers running on Major networks such as DALnet/CHATnet and soon we hope undernet.
If this doesn't proove our stability I don't know what it does.
Go work on your attitude check with a psychiatrist. Try to learn better about shell and networking information before planning to come complain about a shell company.

Sincerly yours
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Post by z_one »

My my my, what a nice and professional attitude for someone who claims to be the CEO of a company.
Very encouraging for making new customers, isn't it ? lol

Might I add, your english writing skills are as good and proeficient as your ability to deal with a customer complaint (which you know is true and you still try to deny it).

I never said that Ushells didn't give me SSH2 access, but my cable provider has prevented that by stoping telnet and ftp accesses through ports 21, 22 and 23.
Thus I had to rely on your staff and support to restart it, which (believe it or not) did take 1 week ! Exactly 6 days and 19 hours !

And last but not least, I encourage all the people reading this forum to register with you (hell I don't care if they are willing to throw their money away).
I'll make some publicity for you too ! Ain't that nice ?
The website is:

Go check it out guys and be the ones to jugde about the quality of services offered by this "so called" company !

As for you Jigy (sounds like a gay name), I have nothing else to say to you, let the people register with you and decide for themselves. Your replies and/or childish comments on this forum are ignored until further notice.
I didn't come here to cause fights, I came here to learn from good people and try to help when I can.

End of discussion.
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Post by Souperman »

z_one, I must say it seems to me that you most certainly tried to stir something up here. This whole discussion should have been conducted via e-mail. Further, you calling him childish and whatnot is simply laughable. Also, try not to contradict yourself so much. First you say you were not allowed access to SSH to your account (read what you posted again... that's definitely what it sounds like), then you say something about it being blocked. And to think you have the audacity to tell the other bloke his English needs work. Ha! I laugh at you, sir.

Post by Jigy »

Thank you Souperman
I rest my case for the right has been brought to light.

Thank You
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Post by z_one »


1- You're telling me that I am definitely trying to "stir" something". Again, if you read my reply you will find that I said "I have NOTHING personal against Ushells, it's just my personal experience with them".
I think it is him who is trying to "stir" something here by saying things such as "Go work on your attitude check with a psychiatrist". The simple fact that he is getting so mad at my words, proves they are true !

2- I said it and I say it again, I am not here to fight. I came to this forum because I know it's the best on the Internet ! And if one cannot give his personal opinion on a Forum, then I don't know why Forums exist !
They allow FREE sharing of ideas and opinions. I didn't ask them to post a topic about Ushells, but when they did I answered.

3- Following point #2 and since I am only here to learn about eggdrops, I find myself obliged to tell you that you're IGNORED as well until further notice.

4- Last but not least, I couldn't care less about Ushells. It is the least my worries. Good luck to you and them in life because I can see you both need it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: z_one on 2002-04-26 18:18 ]</font>

Post by kalaaaa »

Jigy I`m sorry but sukz..... I had an accound with ya a lot of time..... Never had uptime better that 6 days..... THAT`S THE BEST UPTIME.... My bots and BNC`s were going down every 2-3 hours for like minimum 20-30 mins.... That`s ip.... Ushells sukz.... Face the truth buddy....
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Post by Souperman »

z_one, you are full of crap. Ignore me all you want, fact is, I don't particularly care. What did you expect? That I should slit my wrists because you're ignoring me? You flatter yourself.
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Post by Ian-Highlander »

Ok, everyone's had their say on this unpleasant thread. I think its time this one got laid to rest dont you.

I know forum's are all about freedom of speech and all that jazz, but this has gone well over and above that happy joyous place that is normally forum

Give it a rest please guys, lets get down to the real business at hand of helping each other with Eggdrop and TCL eh?

Just my opinion


"Insanity Takes Its Toll, Please Have Exact Change"