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Eggdrop !peak script weird behavior and set owner

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Eggdrop !peak script weird behavior and set owner

Post by adam15906 »

1. I have a script that uses !peak which anyone should be able to type.
When I type it it works beautiful but when anyone else types it it doesn't do a thing but other public commands work fine.

Is it my script if so how can I fix it or is their a better script for !peak you could recommend?

-Note- I fixed this with .adduser adam adam - .chattr adam +n but if you could tell me how to make multiple owners

2. I have a Windrop bot running on Windows 2000 and my bot reconzies me on one network perfectly. But on anyother network I have another vhost and it doesn't reconize me as owner.
I tried .+adduser adam n
and I get
Added [n]*!qIRC@* with no password.
And on a DCC chat it says ignored because of no password.
Do I need another setting or is thier a way for me to set a password for myself as owner with this other vhost?
Or can I set a flag?
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Post by caesar »

1. Probably is enabled only for users that have certain flag. Check the bind..

2. Se your password first by using the /msg bot pass some_passoword
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:35 pm


Post by adam15906 »

:) Thanks so much.
I had it close with /msg bot set pass some_pass