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BIG Problem

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BIG Problem

Post by Rusher2K »

I had an request script today some body with the nick : [die][die] requested a bot for #[die][die] and teh bot shut down.
How can i fixx this ?
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Post by ppslim »

The script contains code that is treating string as lists, wihtout first converting them.

What script have you got loaded.
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Post by Rusher2K »


Code: Select all

proc pub_request {nick host hand chan arg} {
putlog "ADD 1"
        global botnick

 #if {$chan == "#sicherheit"} {return 0}

        set requests ""

  if {![file exists "requests.txt"]} {return 0}

  set infile [open "requests.txt" r]

  while {![eof $infile]} {

    gets $infile dataline

    if {$dataline != ""} {lappend requests $dataline}


  close $infile

    set blockedchans ""

  if {![file exists "blockedchans.txt"]} { return 0 }

  set infile [open "blockedchans.txt" r]

  while {![eof $infile]} {

    gets $infile dataline

    if {$dataline != ""} {lappend blockedchans $dataline}


  close $infile

        set blocked 0

        set joinchan [lindex [split $arg] 0]

     if {$joinchan == "#sicherheit"} {

        puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Yo must not request for #sicherheit!!!"

        newignore *!$host $botnick "Yo must not request for #sicherheit!!!" 1

        return 0

        foreach channel $blockedchans {

        if {$channel == $joinchan} { set blocked 1 }


        foreach channel $requests {

        set channel [string tolower [lindex $channel 0]]

        if {$channel == $joinchan} { set blocked 1 }


        if {$blocked == 0} {

        if {$chan == "#sicherheit"} {
putlog "ADD 2"
        putlog "$nick requested a bot for $joinchan"

        channel add $joinchan
channel set $joinchan -inactive

        utimer 10 "checkchan $joinchan $nick $host"

        #utimer 10 "set total \[llength \[chanlist $joinchan]]; if {\$total < 70 || !\[isop $nick $joinchan]} { puthelp \"NOTICE $nick :Either you haven't 70 user in your channel or you haven't op.\" } else { puthelp \"NOTICE $nick :Your request has been sent to John\"; puthelp \"PRIVMSG #sicherheit.intern :$nick!$host requested for $joinchan - \$total User\" }"

        utimer 20 [list channel remove $joinchan]
putlog "ADD 3"

        } else {

        puthelp "NOTICE $nick :You're channel is blocked or the requests already stored! You must wait 5 minutes to try again!"

        newignore *!$host $botnick "requested bots for a blocked channel" 5

        putlog "$nick requested a bot for $joinchan altough this channel is blocked"


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Post by Sir_Fz »


Code: Select all

utimer 10 "checkchan $joinchan $nick $host"

Code: Select all

utimer 10 [list checkchan $joinchan $nick $host]
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Post by Rusher2K »

with this changes it also executes the comand "die"