I have brought this topic up in the past, but was told there wasn't proper support for it to work. I was wondering if anyone has seen/used a script that would be able to parse/display xml and/or rdf and/or rss files. There must be a simple set of rules that could be set, or even if you needed to customize a file for a specific website, I am looking for detailed information on how this could be done. Thank you - Tony.
# fetch the channel element...
if {[regexp -nocase {<channel>.+?</channel>} $xml xml]} {
# loop through the items:
foreach item [regexp -all -inline -nocase {<item>.+?</item>} $xml] {
# extract what ever you need from each item in here :)
} else {
# no/empty channel element - what to do?
Hmm, I wish I had time to learn tcl, I was hoping there was already an eggdrop coded template for this, but thank you for the help regardless fokes, I will try and work with it .