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random nick spam bots...

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random nick spam bots...

Post by EEggy »

Hi, anyone knows any script to ban these type of random spam nicks, they just join the channel and then after certain time they part ...

*** fy0eo03n6 (~cgihebs14@ has join #friend
*** b743kd315 (z4yqrfu5q5@ has joined #friend
*** dt7x7yki9 (~vltlh370e@ has joined #friend
*** q3r7cp4o3 (~t44x08934@ has joined #friend
*** cy7kp5x9b (~xlxaug1a8@ has joined #friend

I'll apprecite for the help
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

the problem is how to match the pattern...kicking for thous patterns would end in kicking many regular users, not bots.

i dont see a clear pattern, just those : first letter must be a character, no number; there must be 3+ numbers, etc
but as i said, it will be hard to find any correct pattern

best would be to set you chan invite only / registred only....
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Post by dun_dacil »


My experience is that these are typically clones, using hosts which allow to bounce off them due to some open ports.

I have found by experience that the problem can be alleviated (not solved, though) doing the following:
1. add their ip to the botnetl ban list: ie, ban the mask *!*
2. use some badchannel software: these bots are "expensive" to run (meaning, it takes time and effort to put them up), so they normally spam no only your channel, but a number of other channels: in may case, I worked out some channels my "real" users are most unlikely to be, and when something enters my channels and some "marked bad" channel, I immediately apply the corresponding IP ban.
3. Check the "real name": again, some of these bots use "unique" (not used by real users) real names, and you can ban on that, ie after checking the real names
4. Use 2 and 3 above to enforce 1: meaning, the odd spam bot might be able to spam even when 2 and 3 will eventually kick in (typically, the spam bot manages to acquire some or all the nicks, before 2 and/or 3 react), but you should nevertheless enforce 1, perhaps with a ban motivation which says to contact you in case the ban is erroneous.

Hope this helps,
